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With two mirrors at right angles you will have 3 (360/90 - 1) images of an object. Two of these are primary and the third is secondary.

Some light rays from the object bounce of each of the mirrors to your eye to form the two primary images. But there are other rays that bounce off a mirror onto the second mirror before they get to you. This produced the secondary image.

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Q: Why are multiple images formed when two mirrors are placed at right angles to each other?
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What do you understand by multiple images?

a number of images that are formed if the object is placed between two mirrors at an angle. This is called multiple images.

How you can see number of images formed by mirror?

As we place two mirrors inclined with each other then many images are formed. If @ is the angle of inclination then number of images is got by the formula [360/@] - 1 Hence as we place the two mirrors at right angles ie 90 degree then number of images will be 3 If both mirrors kept parallel facing each other then infinite images are formed.

Why infinite images are formed when two mirrors are kept facing each other?

Due to multiple reflection!

Would Images formed by curved mirrors will look identical to to the images formed by flat mirrors?

No. They will look different.

How many images are formed when two plane mirrior are arranged parallel?

infinite number of images are formed in both the mirrors if the mirrors are kept parallel

How many images will be formed if two mirrors placed at 120 degree angle?

2 images are formed

How many images formed by two plane mirrors placed at 90 degree?

Three images will be formed

How are images form in mirrors?

images are formed in a mirror by putting something up to it.

How many images formed when two mirrors are at 7 degree?

50 images.

How many images are formed when two mirrors are placed at a right angle?

3 Images

What angles would you need between two mirrors to give you nine reflected images?

At angle of 30 two mirrors will give nine reflected images.

How many images were formed by two parallel plane mirrors?
