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The ceiling of conference hall are curved so that after the light reflection reaches all corners of the hall, the room becomes bright.

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Q: Why are the ceilings of a conference hall curved?
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What is a conference hall?

It is a hall that people have conferences in.

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Southern Conference Hall of Fame was created in 2009.

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The Luhya translation of the English words 'conference hall' is "inzu ya amacheni".

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One in each room and one in the hall.

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It is used for archway ceilings or a archways in a hall. The general purpose of 1/4" is for any wall or surface that is not flat. Round walls, coved ceilings.

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Psychologist G. Stanley Hall invited Sigmund Freud to the Clark Conference in the United States in 1909. Freud's attendance at this conference marked his only visit to America.

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describe the high ceilings, the organ, the seating, and etc.

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absolutely not

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