The dodecahedron star has 30 edges, 12 faces, and 20 vertices. But, a 3D dodecagon star has 60 edges, 24 faces, and 40 vertices but i'm not sure. Some people still need help on how many edges faces and vertices a dodecagon star has. Thanks for your cooperation by looking at this answer.
No. Every solid shape has at least one face. The closest you will get is a sphere, which has no edges or vertices, but it still has a face.
A sphere is continuous with no edges, so a "face" doesn't really apply. It has a surface, and if you consider that a "face" then it has one. If you are looking inside and out, then two. If you do not consider a surface a face, then it has no faces. I am not sure how you would explain it with Euler's formula.. I am curious as how you would explain it in this manner. Euler's formula shows that e^ix traces out the unit circle in the complex number plane as x ranges through the real numbers. Not sure what this has to do with faces of a sphere... Euler characteristic perhaps? I am still not sure what this tells me about the number of faces that a sphere has. This basically proves the Euler Characteristic. You can map any polyhedron inside the sphere and get the same result. Are you implying that since any number of F can be mapped, that a sphere has infinite number of faces? That is pretty neat if that is the conclusion. So in regards to answering the question, you can use your method and explain it to your students. I think they can handle it if you do it properly. Something of the nature: Imagine a shape/polyhedron inside a sphere. Now map out or project the vertices's and edges of the polyhedron onto the sphere. It is like having the shadows of the edges and vertices's being mapped onto the wall of the sphere. The mapped image still has vertices's and edges and faces. They are the same amount of faces as the original polyhedron. Now imagine any polyhedron or shape inside the sphere. You can do the same with as many sided and faced shape as you want. Thinking this way you can view the sphere having infinite faces because you can map out any shape/polyhedron this way, no matter the number of faces. Then they will have this embedded into their memory and think that a sphere will have infinite faces. If they ever major in math and take topology... they will learn that a sphere has no faces.Hope this helps.
The formula for the area of a circle is A = PI R squared.Pi is about 3.1416R is the radius, half the diameter or 18/2 = 9A= 3.1416 * 9 * 9 = 254.4696 Using more digits in PI will give slightly different answers such as3.14159265359 * 9 * 9 = 254.469004941 which still is about the same value.So the area of an an 8 inch diameter circle (rounded) is about 254.5 square inches
yes you can still determine the angle measure!
You can tell when chocolate chip cookies are done baking by looking for golden brown edges and a slightly set center. The cookies should be firm around the edges but still slightly soft in the middle.
To achieve clean and precise edges when painting on tape, make sure to press down the edges of the tape firmly to prevent paint from seeping underneath. Use a small brush to carefully paint along the edges of the tape, and remove the tape while the paint is still slightly wet to prevent peeling.
Edges: 4, Vertices: 4 and Edges: still 4, their number hasn't changed!
You'll know when the pavlova is cooked when it looks crisp at the edges which will have started to crack slightly. The top will be dry but if you press on the underside it'll give a little as the centre should be still a little squishy/soft..
Sugar glass is generally not sharp enough to cut skin like traditional glass. It is commonly used in filmmaking for scenes involving glass breakage because it shatters easily but is safe to handle. However, it can still cause minor cuts or scrapes if handled roughly or broken in a way that creates sharp edges.
(deleted previous flaming harassment, still up for answering)
The speed of light varies because the absolute speed of light "C" is measured in a vacuum. When light travels through air, it goes slightly slower. When light travels through denser mediums still, such as glass, the speed decreases further still.
If you look carefully under the hood you will find a sticker that will give you the poundage. Some systems still have what is called a "sight glass" that is usually located on top of the receiver dryer. what the sight glass does is let you know when the system is full. (when the system is slightly low you will see a white foam in the glass,when full no foam)
Yes, you can still get a sun tan through a glass window because UVB rays can penetrate glass, although UVA rays (which cause aging and skin damage) are mostly blocked. However, it may take longer to tan through glass and the intensity of the tan may be less compared to direct sunlight exposure.
Tempered glass is more scratch-resistant than regular glass due to the tempering process that strengthens the glass. However, it is not completely scratch-proof and can still be scratched by materials that are harder than glass, such as metals or diamonds. It is still important to take precautions to prevent scratching tempered glass surfaces.
it is a physical it changes shape but its still glass