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im sorry im trying to find out too but totally cant find the answer.

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Q: Why are triangles sturdy?
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Which platonic solid would be most sturdy?

My money is on the tetrahedron, triangles tend to be very sturdy.

Why is hexagon so important?

Because hexagons are very strong and sturdy. AND they tile very well! Thats why Bees use the shape, and if anything needs to be sturdy they use that shape! Of course, triangles are more sturdy. Thats why every house or bridge etc. always uses triangles!

Why is Epcot made out of triangles?

You mean SpaceShip Earth? It's better for wind and Sturdy and pretty

Why is it important to use angles triangles and squares when building bridges?

Triangles are the strongest type of shape. It is very sturdy, but takes up little space. It is the best for building bridges.

Are quadrilaterals sturdy compared to triangles and if so why.?

No. A quadrilateral can be "squashed" in the same way that a square can be squashed into a rhombus. In a triangle, both ends on each side are anchored and so there is complete rigidity.

Are some isosceles triangles equilateral triangles?

All isosceles triangles are not equilateral triangles

What is the past tense of sturdy?

Sturdy is not a verb but an adjective and therefore has no past tense, unless you mean "this was sturdy" etc.

Some equilateral triangles are not isosceles?

All isosceles triangles are not equilateral triangles

How can you classify triangles by their angles?

Triangles may be right triangles equilateral triangles acute or obtuse triangles

What is triangle x 27?

27 triangles.27 triangles.27 triangles.27 triangles.

What is the comparative of sturdy?

more sturdy

What. is. the antonyms of flimsy. is it sturdy?
