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she has a spranged angle.

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Q: Why can't the geometry teacher walk to school?
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Do you have to walk to the school?

You should try to walk to school if you cant it is not your fault dont worry!

What do you have to add to a word to make present tense?

Verbs show present or past tense and usually you add nothing to a verb to make it present.For example the verb walk: I walk to school. They walk to school. We walk to school.When the subject of the sentence is he/she/it or a singular noun then you add -s to the verb.For example: He walks to school. She walks to school. The teacher walks to school. (teacher is a singular noun)

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you cant walk to school with your kids

How do dragonflies walk?

they cant walk

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you cant walk on wheels

Where is the teacher's lounge in Mega Man Battle Network 6?

When you walk into the school, head left and through the gate there. Presto! The teachers lounge.

How do you go out with a girlfriend if your fourteen cant drive and not allowed to walk to a friends house or anywhere and goes home right after school with no exceptions?

just spend all the time at school together

What if your teacher is getting you mad?

Stand up. Slap your teacher. Then walk out of the room.

How long does it take to walk 4000m?

you cant answer that it depends on how fast you walk

Can the kingfisher walk?

no stupid, its a fish (kingFISHer) of course it cant walk

What can ran but cant walk?

A car

Can pink dolphins walk on land?

no pink dolphins cant walk on land:)