Because sound waves have a long wave length. This enables them to propagate around corners. Also, sound can travel through materials like walls.
I typically pick the longest wall or the straightest line in the room that has the most exposure and start there with full tiles. Another method would be to find the center point of the room and lay your first tile there. Then when you get to the walls all opposite walls will have the same cut size.
Contractors typically will start in the middle of a room for a couple of reasons. First off, when you have multiple people working on a job I can tell you that it will take far less time and save you money. In order for me to complete a job with multiple people I need there to be enough room for multiple people to work and starting in a corner doesn't allow this. You may wonder, "why not just have each worker start in a different part of the room?". This is a good question, the reason is because you need the tiles to match up perfectly when the corners meet, so it's better to build from the center and break off to the corners, then if there is any sizing that needs to be done, the tiles can be cut in the corners of the room where it is less noticeable rather than finishing up in the center. Another reason is because it allows time for drying. If you work from just the corner then you have only one direction to go, if you work from the center you can stop working on one side and work on another while the previous section dries. Starting from the center of the room has a lot of advantages when tiling a room.
hexagonal room
Good to hear
You multiply the length and the width of the room
you can hear someone in another room because sound travels. it is like waves that you can hear from a little bit far away. hae hae
Sound travels through the air in vibrations, which can pass through walls and doors to reach our ears in another room. These vibrations cause the air molecules in the room to move, ultimately allowing us to hear the sound even if the source is in a different location.
Small hidden cameras or recorders. If not possible, sit near them (or in another room close by, with your headphones in, but no sound(then they think you can't hear them)
In a sound proof room
You can sometimes hear someone but not see them if they are behind a closed door, around a corner, or in a separate room. Sound can travel through barriers, allowing you to hear someone even if they are not in your line of sight.
You can hear the people speaking because sound waves are reflected off of other objects (walls, trees, etc.). When the waves are reflected, they can still make it to your position and allow you to continue hearing the people as they walk. Sound waves bend around the corner.
Call the number from another phone and listen if you can hear it ring or if someone answers it. If you can't find it buy another.
Youd have to explain your situation. OK, well if he answers his phone and has to go into another room where you cant hear him, he might be cheating. If he cheated on someone else with you then he might be cheating. Give more information as to why you think hes cheating and someone might be able to better answer you question.
you can't there not a human being obviously. Another response: No.
You would hear a rebuttal in a court room.
The ringer is loud enough to hear if you are in another room or if you have the tv going. You can adjust the volume of the ringer to high or low.
If a person broke your hear once it is wise not to give them another chance to do it again.