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cuz they wnt 2

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Q: Why does Alaska use circle justice?
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Why does Alaska have circle justice?

i think that they use it because maybe a lot of people commit crimes and they want to forgive those people. So that is maybe why they use the Circle Justice system.

Which US state does the Arctic Circle pass through?

Alaska is the only US State through which the Arctic Circle passes.

The Arctic Circle runs through what state?

It is Alaska

Which state does the Arctic Circle pass through?

The Arctic Circle passes through Alaska. It also passes through Canada's northern territories, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia.

How far is Circle Alaska from the Arctic Circle?

about 50 miles

Is Alaska near the arctic circle or the equator?

The arctic circle

When did circle justice founded?

who invented circel justice

Is Circle Justice real?

Yes, Circle Justice is a real program for criminals who want to heal their soul.

How many of Cole's classmates show up for circle of justice?

there where about like 10 students at the circle justice

Where is Arctic Circle state?


What geographic circle passes through northern Alaska?

The Arctic Circle

Is the capital of Alaska in the Arctic Circle?

Juneau is the capital - but it is not within the Arctic Circle.