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because in 2nd and 4th angle,both the view is going to overlap with each other,so we cant able to visualise the drawing properly,so we are not drawing in 2nd and 4th angle. kash answer

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Q: Why drawings are not drawn in second and fourth angle projection?
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What is the definition of angle of projection?

the angkle of projection is an angle and the projection

Why can not use second angle and four angle projection method in Engineering drawing?

Because in second angle both quaderent comes negative that's why we cant use second angle method

What are the 2 types of oblique drawing?

first angle projection and third angle projection.

What direction do you face in orthographic projections?

its always in front of d vertical plane..however there are 4 methods of projection 1st angle second angle 3rd angle and fourth angle..but 1st and 3rd are preffered as the views come distinct in second and forth the views are placed one over the other causing trouble in identifying d views

Why do you not use second angle projection and fourth angle projection?

Method of Projections tell us the positions of the views where they are projecting on the Planes. Consider 1st Angle of projection, All the views from a particular direction are projected on the opposite side, while in 3rd Angle of projection, All the views from a particular direction are projected on the same side. Take a case of 2nd Angle of Projections( means object lies in 2nd Quadrant) since the image is to be formed on the planes only that is why we have to keep right side view on the same side from viewing while top view on the opposite side from viewing. This contradicts view placement( i.e. once you are placing on same side and once on Opposite). Same is applicable in 4th Angle of Projection also.

Why second and third angle projections not used in orthographic projections?

because 2nd and 4th angle projection overlap each other

What are the advantages of third angle projection over the first angle projection?

Neglecting term "opposite".. In third angle projection, what we see are what are we going to draw

Advantages of a third angle drawing?

Third angle projection is in common use in the USA, Canada, and the UK. The rest of the world more commonly uses first angle. There is no inherent superiority of one projection over the other. When you are making drawings that may be used internationally, it's a very good idea to indicate by a small symbolic diagram which projection is in use. This diagram is usually a side and end view of a truncated cone.

Why can not we use second angle projection method in Engineering drawing?

In 1st angle projection the front view will be in the top of the xy plane and the top view will be in the bottom of the xy plane .In 3rd angle projection the top view will be in the top of the xy plane and front view will be in bottom of the xy plane. dis will give a clear view.i hope u know dis... but in 2 angle projection both the views(front and top) will be in the top of the xy plane and in 4th angle projection both the views (front and top) will be in the bottom of the xy plane... since both the views will be in one side of the xy plane, its not possible to draw... both views will merge... to get more clear view, refer any basic engineering drawing book.......

Can you show me the difference between first and third angle projection?

In a first angle projection, the object stands in between the observer and the plane of projection. In a third angle project, the object and the plane of projection is interchanged.