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Because unlike a rectangle a square has 4 equal sides but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals

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Q: Why is a rectangle not a squre?
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A figure that is both a rhombus and a rectangle?

a squre

What is the difference between a squre and a rectangle?

The difference btwwen a square and a rectangle is that a rectangle has two congruent lines.

How do you find area of rectangle 25 ft by 15 ft?

is it used in squre units

What are the differences between a parallelogram a rectangle and a square?

pallelogram is more of aa slanted figure than a rectangle. a squre is more of lines that are equel and a rectangle and pallellagram have diffrent lines

What would you measure in square meters?

Area of surfaces like squre, rectangle and all other figures.

What is the proper name of the quadrillateral below?

quadrilateral or quadrangle are 4 sided polygons or shapes example squre and rectangle

Do the diagonals of a rectangle have to be perpendicular?

Nope, in order for the diagonals to be perpendicular the shape must be a square (which I guess is a type of rectangle :). The diagonals will cross, but not at a 90degree angle, unless the sides are of equal length.Not unless the rectangle has 4 equal sides, making it a squre.

How many squre meters are on 9000 feet squre?

836.13 square meters.

How many parallel line does a squre have?

A squre has none. A square, on the other hand, has two pairs.

When you subtruct one squre number from another the answer is 7 what is tow squre number?

They are 9 and 16

What is the opist of squre rute?

There are no such words as opist, squre or rute. Please check you spelling and resubmit.

How much faces in a squre parimid?

Assuming that a squre parimid is your way of spelling square pyramid, the answer is 5.