

Why is drag important to fly a kite?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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because the drag helps the kite have balance,and it helps the kite fly further and better,and if kite didnt have a drag force they wouldn't have balance when theyre flying and they will lose their capacity to fly,so without drag it is not possible for a kite to fly.

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What variables are important for flying a kite?

Wind speed, wind direction, line tension, and the weight of the kite are important variables for flying a kite. These factors determine how well the kite will fly and how easy it will be to control.

How air resistance works on a kite?

Air resistance, also known as drag, affects a kite by pushing against it as it moves through the air. The shape and design of the kite create resistance that the wind must overcome, helping the kite stay aloft. Thinner airfoils and streamlined shapes reduce drag, allowing kites to fly more efficiently.

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Fly My Kite was created on 1931-05-30.

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Where not to fly a kite?

In places that are not windy i guess. cause i kite needs wind to fly!

Where should you fly a kite?

You should fly a kite where there is no power lines. Parks are great places to fly kites.

How does a tail of a kite affect the way it flies?

A longer tail on a kite helps stabilize and balance it in flight by acting as a counterbalance to the kite's pull. The tail also provides drag, which prevents the kite from spinning and helps control its direction. However, too much tail can make the kite fly slower and decrease its maneuverability.

When was Let's Go Fly a Kite created?

Let's Go Fly a Kite was created in 1964.

How do you fly a kite without wind?

To fly a kite without wind, you can try running with the kite behind you to create lift. Another option is to use a remote-controlled kite or a kite designed for indoor use that can fly without wind. Additionally, using a helium balloon to lift the kite can help it stay in the air.

What are things to do when it is windy outside?

fly a kite. go outside. eat soup. watch movies.

Can you fly a kite on the moon?

No, you cannot fly a kite on the moon because there is no atmosphere to create the wind needed for the kite to fly. In the absence of an atmosphere, there is no air pressure to generate the necessary lift for the kite to stay aloft.