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...because there are no funds supporting the is only supported by AIR, like a kite.

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Q: Why is passing bad checks called kiting?
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Is a diamond an irregular polygon?

i don't know tooo bad

What if two mirrors face is it good or bad?

Bad. This because it is said to open a portal if two mirrors are facing each other. This portal will let in spirits, or even demons. (Unknown)

What do you call a 300 sided shape?

A 300-sided shape is called a trihectacosagon. The prefix "tri" denotes three hundred, while "hecta" signifies one hundred, and "cosi" represents twenty. Therefore, a trihectacosagon is a polygon with 300 sides.

What does a large triangle at the end of a headline mean in palmistry?

triangles are good marks, meaning having protection or help from another and are normally found near bad marks. If your head line ends with a fork, it means diminished, strained or weakened mind near your life's end (probably senility), and a triangle with or near that means you'll have aids, nurses, or family helping you with that. That's the only reason I could think of why there will be a triangle at the end of the head line. If a fork or any other bad marks (crosses, a small line perpendicular with the head line called a trauma line, the head line breaking apart to rejoin later making an sides ways oval shape called an island, or a star) then it means you'll just have help or protection on a mental level because that's what the head line deals with.

What is a 99999999999999999 sided shape called?

Not all plane figures have an individual name that would be impossible to do, this is an example. It is simply a multi-sided polygon.Some people refer to them as the number of sides adding the suffix -agon, so it can be called a99999999999999999-agon

Related questions

What can a company do to prevent kiting?

Kiting is writing a bad check to get money to deposit in a bank account to cover another outstanding check. While this practice used to be very common, it is much harder to do now that so many companies process checks electronically. To prevent kiting, a company should process all checks at the end of the day.

Is passing bad checks a Federal crime?

It can be. . . especially if they are instruments issued by the US Government.

What are some different kinds of check fraud?

Check washing, kiting (more than one bank you have and you write bad checks to cash at your other bank)

What are writers of bad checks called?

Writers of bad checks are commonly referred to as "bouncers," "check bouncers," or "check floaters." They issue checks knowing there are insufficient funds in their account to cover the payment, causing the check to bounce when processed by the bank.

Can you go to jail for cashing a duplicate check of 500 dollars?

Possibly intentionally passing bad checks is a serious crime and the DA usually investigates every reported occurrence.

Why is a check called a kite?

It isn't. "Kiting a cheque" is slang for writing a bad cheque when there is no money in your account. A kite is made of paper and has nothing between it and the ground - a bad cheque is paper and has no money behind it - you can see the similarities that made people start using the term "kite" to mean "writing a bad cheque."

What is the statute of limitations on bad checks?

== ==

What are the consequences for writing bad checks in pa?

If someone writes 4 bad checks that were post dated what charges would they be facing in this situation.

What to do if someone passes you a check on a closed account?

If they passed the check to you in payment AND they KNEW the account was no good they committed "fraud." You should report it to the police, they can be charged with passing bad checks (or whatever the law of your state call it).

Why is passing salt bad luck?

Passing salt was not bad luck. Spilling salt was bad luck because in Roman days, salt was very expensive.

How many bad checks can you write before going to jail?

The number of bad checks before jail depends on state laws and the amount of money involved. Writing a bad check can be considered a misdemeanor or felony, typically after multiple offenses or if the amount exceeds a certain threshold. It's important to address any bounced checks promptly to avoid legal consequences.

Cashing a bad check written to you in Michigan?

Banks would not cash bad checks. All checks must be legitimate and have valid signature with no overwriting or blotches to be encashed.