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Using a trial balance, you can only estimate a weight by having both sides at an equal level and knowing the value of the weights on one side.

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Q: Why should the two sides of the trial balance be equal?
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What are the techniques of taking trial cuts and checking dimensional accuracy?

When turning a trial cut is where you cut a slightly smaller diameter than your starting piece and the measure it using a micrometer. You then need t enter the measurement into the axis reader on the X axis. Make sure you don't move the X axis before you enter the measurement as this is what you will work from.

Should an hourglass figure wear high rise or mid rise jeans?

Wearing high rise jeans makes the bottom look bigger if have a large hip-thigh-bottom area. Even for a smaller size, high rise should best be avoided. If you wear hipsters or low rise and your are a larger size, the muffin tops hang out. Not a good look!. Mid rise are perfect for the average to slightly larger hourglass (size 12-14). i am a size 12-14 myself and have learnt this through trial and error! many errors! Wearing high rise jeans makes the bottom look bigger if have a large hip-thigh-bottom area. Even for a smaller size, high rise should best be avoided. If you wear hipsters or low rise and your are a larger size, the muffin tops hang out. Not a good look!. Mid rise are perfect for the average to slightly larger hourglass (size 12-14). i am a size 12-14 myself and have learnt this through trial and error! many errors!

Formula of radious given curve length and chord length?

R = radius c = chord length s = curve length c = 2Rsin(s/2R) you can solve for radius by trial and error as this is a transcendental equation

What are the steps in extracting square root?

first step;group the digits into two. second step ;think of a number that when you multiplied by itself,the answer is smaller than the first group of a digits; third step ; multipied your answer by 20', in short, this can be done by trial and error method

Is there a solution to Cheatwell butterfly 25 magic tile puzzles?

Well, honey, the solution to those Cheatwell butterfly 25 magic tile puzzles is simple - just keep flipping and sliding those tiles until you get those butterflies in formation. It's all about trial and error, so don't give up too easily. Just remember, there's no shame in peeking at the solution if you're feeling stuck - we won't tell anyone!

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What is a tri-balance?

In accounting, the trial balance is a worksheet listing the balance at a certain date, of each ledger account in two columns, namely debit and credit. Under the double-entry system, in any transaction the total o In accounting, the trial balanceis a worksheet listing the balance at a certain date, of each ledger account in two columns, namely debit and credit. Under the double-entry system, in any transaction the total of any debits must equal the total of any credits, so in a Trial Balance the total of the debit side should always be equal to the total of the credit side. The trial balance thus serves as a tool to detect errors, which can result in the totals not being equal. Often credits will be represented as a negative, in which case the total of the trial balance should be 0. f any debits must equal the total of any credits, so in a Trial Balance the total of the debit side should always be equal to the total of the credit side. The trial balance thus serves as a tool to detect errors, which can result in the totals not being equal. Often credits will be represented as a negative, in which case the total of the trial balance should be 0. Regrading Naila_samina Abbasi Students of MBA

Why both side equal of balance sheet?

Both sides of the Balance Sheet equal thanks to double entry accounting. For every debit there is a corresponding credit and vice versa. therefore when you take the balances of all the accounts into a Trial balance they have to balance. A Balance Sheet is derived from the TB so the same holds true.

What if Trial balance debits and credit equals?

If you do a Trial Balance and your Credits Equal your Debits, then more than likely your books are correct.In double entry accounting the debits and credits must balance or be equal.

What report lists accounts and their balances in which the total debit balances should equal the total credit balances?

Trial Balance

What is the trial balance of a company?

The trial balance of a company is a list of all the accounts (income, expense and balance sheet) with their current balances. A trial balance should always total zero

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Discuss the limitations of trial balance?

Limitations of a trial balanceTrial Balance only confirms that the total of all debit balances match the total of all credit balances. Trial balance totals may agree in spite of errors. An example would be an incorrect debit entry being offset by an equal credit entry. Likewise, a trial balance gives no proof that certain transactions have not been recorded at all because in such case, both debit and credit sides of a transaction would be omitted causing the trial balance totals to still agree. Types of accounting errors and their effect on trial balance are more fully discussed in the section on Suspense Accounts.

Importance of trial balance?

importance of trial balance importance of trial balance

What is the difference between trial balance of totals and trial balance of balances?

firstily trial balance of total is the total balance of trial balance being show at the end of a year. trial balance of balance it is the balances being show doing the calcution of the trial balance.

Is balance of provision for depreciation account is shown on the trial balance as debit?

no, provision of depreciation iscredit in nature. And thus it should be shown at the credit side at trial balance.