Positioning is the main difference between one-point and two-point perspectives. One-point perspective uses one vanishing point while two-point perspective uses two.
One-point perspective has only one vanishing point.
two or many line having common point is called intersecting point or concurrent point. From one point infinetly many line can be drawn your toot
Definition: a tangent is a line that intersects a circle at exactly one point, the point of intersection is the point of contact or the point of tangency. a tangent is a line that intersects a circle at exactly one point, the point of intersection is the (point of contact) or the **point of tangency**.
Until Cleisthenes set up a democracy in 508 BCE, the aristocratic Council on the Areopagus ruled the city. This Council was an oligarchy which means 'rule by the few' (a monarchy = rule by one, a democracy = people power).
The aristocrats dominated Athenian society..!Hope this help!
During several periods in the 7th, 6th and 5th centuries BCE Athens was controlled by an oligarchy, eventually becoming a democracy, then reverting to various forms of governments under kings, dictators and limited forms of democracy within the Macedonian and Roman empires.
Im pretty sure it was athens,which was greece.
most of the greek city-states practiced oligarchy, including sparta and athens.
The answer depends on which city-state one lived in. For Athens, the democratic citizens held the highest status, but only property owning males of the age of majority, both of whose parents had been born in Athens, were considered citizens. By contrast, Sparta had two kings to share power with the advice of an oligarchy of Elders.
The answer depends on which city-state one lived in. For Athens, the democratic citizens held the highest status, but only property owning males of the age of majority, both of whose parents had been born in Athens, were considered citizens. By contrast, Sparta had two kings to share power with the advice of an oligarchy of Elders.
Pericles was considered one of the greatest rulers.
Athens is the capital city of Greece. It is considered one of the oldest city of the world with a recorded history of 3500 years.
An oligarchy is not run by one person. An oligarchy is a group of people leading a place
According to Aristotle: Monarchy (Rule by One) which degraded to Tyranny (Rule by an absolute ruler) Aristocracy (Rule by the Best) which degraded to Oligarchy(Rule by the Few) Democracy (People Power) which degraded to Ochlocracy (Mob Power).
An oligarchy is not run by one person. An oligarchy is a group of people leading a place