26th is the ordinal number and twentysixth is the oridnal word
16 or 36 16/4 = 4 √16 = 4 16 < 50 36/4 = 9 √36 = 6 36 < 50
You can see in the link, below, that a diamond is ranked as 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness, while a sapphire is ranked as 9. The Mohs scale ranks the hardness of minerals.The Mohs scale is an ordinal scale, meaning -- from Wikipedia:"Rank-ordering data simply puts the data on an ordinal scale. Ordinal measurements describe order, but not relative size or degree of difference between the items measured. "
To write 7 as an ordinal number, you would write it as "seventh."
The ordinal number of 43 is 43rd and the ordinal word is forty-third.
The ordinal number representing the number fifteen is "fifteenth".
1700th - Ordinal Number One thousand seven hundredth - Ordinal Word
26th is the ordinal number and twentysixth is the oridnal word
this how you write it fortieth .
53rd fifty-third
Cordinal: Twelve Ordinal: Twelfth