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Sure! Here is a simple VB program to calculate the area of a triangle:

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim base As Double
        Dim height As Double
        Dim area As Double

        Console.WriteLine("Enter the base of the triangle: ")
        base = Double.Parse(Console.ReadLine())

        Console.WriteLine("Enter the height of the triangle: ")
        height = Double.Parse(Console.ReadLine())

        area = 0.5 * base * height

        Console.WriteLine("The area of the triangle is: " & area)
    End Sub
End Module

This program prompts the user to input the base and height of the triangle, calculates the area using the formula (0.5 * base * height), and then displays the result.

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Private Sub Command 1_click( )

Dim A , B As String

Dim C As Integer

A = Text1.Text

B = Text2.Text

C = Val(A) * Val(B)

Text3.Text = " "

Text3.Text = C

End Sub

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Q: Write a vb program to calculate the area of an triangle?
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