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The life expectancy of an 84-year-old individual with 24 percent kidney function can vary depending on their overall health, any underlying medical conditions, and how well they manage their kidney health. It is advisable for them to work closely with healthcare providers to optimize their treatment plan and quality of life.

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Q: How long can a 84 year old person with 24 percent kidney function live?
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How long can someone who is 85 live with no kidney function?

It is difficult to determine an exact life expectancy as it varies depending on individual health, overall medical condition, and access to treatment such as dialysis or kidney transplantation. However, without any kidney function, a person would typically require dialysis or kidney transplantation to survive. Without treatment, the person's health would likely decline rapidly over a period of weeks to months. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for a more individualized assessment.

How can you live a healthy life with one kidney?

To live a healthy life with one kidney, it's important to stay hydrated, maintain a balanced diet low in salt and processed foods, avoid excessive alcohol consumption, and monitor blood pressure regularly. Regular exercise, avoiding smoking, and attending regular check-ups with healthcare professionals are also important to maintain kidney health.

What is the number of years a person is expected to live is called?

The number of years a person is expected to live is called life expectancy. It is often calculated based on factors such as age, gender, and demographic characteristics.

How long can a patient live using kidney dialysis?

The life expectancy of a patient on kidney dialysis can vary widely depending on age, overall health, and adherence to treatment. On average, studies suggest that patients on dialysis may live around 5-10 years, but some patients can live much longer with proper care and lifestyle changes.

People who live to be 100 are called a centenarian. What do you call a person who lives to be 50?

A person who lives to be 50 is simply referred to as a quinquagenarian.

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Can a person live without their kidney?

No it is not possible, yes in ESR stage some people are living. End-stage renal disease is where a persons' kidney function is too low to adequately support life without support, around 10% or less of normal function. Obviously without either kidney there will be no function.

How long can you live with 20 percent kidney function left and a sugar level of 20?

You can probably live several days with basically no kidney function, but you will die eventually from all the waste build up. The sugar level of 20, not very long. a blood sugar under 50 is a medical emergency and requires intervention.

If you lose a kidney you can still survive and lead a normal life with one kidney because?

the remaining kidney is able to compensate for the lost function of the removed kidney. People can live with one healthy kidney and still have normal kidney function and lead a healthy life. It is important to have regular check-ups and adopt a healthy lifestyle to support kidney function.

How long can one person live with one kidney?

It is possible to live a whole lifetime with just one kidney.

How long will a person live only the bladder fluch now kidney function full of cancer?

A person may only last 2 days if his or her urinary bladder is not well-functioning.

How long can you live with one kidney and have got chronic kidney failure in it?

No one can say for sure how long a person will live with a certain condition, and a doctor is the best person to ask.

Can a person live with one kidney?

Yes. Because if one kidney is removed because of a disease, the other kidney can perform the work of two.

Can person live with one kidney?

Yes. Because if one kidney is removed because of a disease, the other kidney can perform the work of two.

What was the first organ successfully transplanted from a cadaver to a live person?

A kidney.

Can a cat survive with only one kidney?

Cats can live with only 25% of their kidney function left. Unfortunately, kidney disease is very common in the domesticated feline.