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Telomeres are the special DNA sequences located at the ends of chromosomes that protect them from deterioration and contribute to aging and cell death when they become too short. Telomeres gradually shorten with each cell division, eventually reaching a critical length that triggers cellular senescence or death.

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Q: What is the name of special DNA sequences located at the ends of chromosomes whose erosion contributes to cellular aging and death?
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Why do gravestones fade overtime?

Gravestones fade over time due to exposure to the elements like sunlight, rain, and wind. These factors can break down the materials of the gravestone and cause discoloration and erosion, leading to fading over the years. Additionally, pollutants in the air can contribute to the degradation of the stone's surface.

What is the difference between a young mature and old stream?

A young stream is typically characterized by a steep gradient, fast flow, and erosion of its channel. As a stream matures, it becomes more meandering, has a gentler gradient, and tends to deposit sediments in its channel. An old stream has a low gradient, meanders extensively, and has a stable floodplain with significant sediment deposition.

Importance of pavement?

Pavement is important for providing a durable and smooth surface for vehicles and pedestrians to travel on. It helps to prevent erosion, reduce dust, and improve safety on roadways. Properly maintained pavement also enhances the overall aesthetics of an area.

What is the difference between degradation and aggradation?

Degradation refers to the downward erosion and wearing away of land or rock surfaces, while aggradation is the process of deposition and buildup of sediment in a given area. Essentially, degradation involves the removal of material, while aggradation involves the accumulation of material.

Is burning mouth syndrome extremely rare?

Burning mouth syndrome is considered a relatively rare condition, affecting about 1-4% of the general population. It is more common in middle-aged and older adults, particularly women after menopause. The exact cause of burning mouth syndrome is unclear, which can make diagnosis and treatment challenging.

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How do plants and animals contributes to soil erosion and weathering of rocks?


Explain telomere erosion and the role of telomerase?

Telomere erosion is the shortening of the protective caps at the end of chromosomes called telomeres, which occurs with each cell division and is associated with aging and cell senescence. Telomerase is an enzyme that helps to maintain telomere length by adding repetitive DNA sequences to the ends of chromosomes. It is particularly active in stem cells and cancer cells, allowing them to continue dividing without undergoing senescence or apoptosis.

What two processes all soils to wash into the oceans?

Erosion is one. Deforestation contributes to runoff and erosion.

What force and what cause contributes to erosion and mass wasting?

gravity and movement

Are valleys formed your erosion or weathering?

Valleys can be formed by a combination of erosion and weathering. Erosion, which is the process of wearing away rock and soil, contributes to the shaping of valleys by moving sediment and carving out the land. Weathering breaks down rocks and contributes to the gradual formation of valleys over time.

Is not a process that contributes to weathring an erosion of landforms?

Erosion is a process that contributes to weathering by removing and transporting rock and soil materials from one place to another. It occurs through the action of natural forces like water, wind, and glaciers, slowly shaping and changing landforms over time.

What contributes to erosion?

Erosion can be caused by natural factors like wind, water, and ice, as well as human activities such as deforestation, mining, construction, and agriculture practices that remove vegetation cover and expose the soil to erosion forces. Factors like steep slopes, heavy rainfall, and poorly managed land also contribute to erosion.

What is the difference between vertical and lateral erosion?

Vertical erosion refers to the downward cutting of a river channel, deepening it vertically, while lateral erosion involves the sideways erosion of the riverbanks, widening the river channel. Vertical erosion creates V-shaped valleys, while lateral erosion contributes to the widening of floodplains.

How glacial erosion contributes to the formation of large lakes?

Glacial erosion occurs when glaciers move through an area, gouging into the land beneath. In areas where the soil is relatively soft, glaciers can gouge out areas that eventually turn into lakes.

What erosion cause a weathered cliff?

Erosion from wind, water, and ice can cause a weathered cliff to form over time. These natural forces gradually wear away the rock face, creating a steep and rugged structure. The continuous action of erosion weakens the rock and contributes to the formation of a weathered cliff.

What happens when glaciers go through erosion?

When glaciers undergo erosion, they can shape the surrounding landscape by grinding and scouring the land beneath them. This process can result in the formation of features such as U-shaped valleys, cirques, and moraines. Glacial erosion also contributes to the transportation of rock and sediment, which can further modify the terrain as the glacier advances and retreats.

What is a ranching practices contributes to soil erosion?

Overgrazing is a ranching practice that can contribute to soil erosion. When livestock graze too heavily on vegetation, it can lead to the removal of protective ground cover, making the soil more susceptible to erosion by wind and water. This can result in the degradation of soil quality and loss of valuable topsoil.