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Q: Can you receive disability payment for non work related stress?
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Related questions

What is a stress-leave disability?

A stress-leave disability is a disability caused by stress and or anxiety.

What is the syllable stress in the word receive?

The syllable stress in the word "receive" is on the second syllable - re-CEIVE.

How are stressor and stress related?

they have stress

Is scoliosis a disability disease disorder or all?

scoliosis is a disability because it impares your ability in certain postures, also causes stress when carrying shopping and sleeping etc.

Can you go on short term disability for work stress?

Stress and Anxiety are both difficult conditions to assess when claiming disability insurance benefits. This is because Stress and Anxiety can be difficult conditions to diagnose. Unlike many illnesses, these conditions can not easily be diagnosed using medical exams or tests. Instead much of the diagnosis is based on a patients report of symptoms.Nonetheless, Yes a claim can be made for stress and/or anxiety.

Is obesity considered a stress related disorder?

yesit can be connected with Stress

Is migraine a disability?

Stress has been removed from the ICHD-II's headache classification as a trigger for Migraine. As a result, it is unlikely that you'll receive a diagnosis of stress related Migraine which will lead to disability. Migraine itself is considered a disability and those who suffer chronic Migraine are often disabled by their condition.For appropriate diagnosis, treatment and prevention of headache disorders, seek the help of a board certified headache specialist.-----------------------Disability PossibleYou could, however only if your physician is willing to take you off work and most likely only a for a very limited time frame (like at a max something like 3 weeks) unless there are some other circumstances or treatments that would keep you from working. For information, resources and related links go The National Council On Disability (NCD)To add to this - Migraines caused by stress or anxiety would be considered a "soft" diagnosis. Although a Dr. can diagnose the condition, only you can truly tell how sever the symptoms are and how much they truly affect your work.This is one of the reasons working with a reputable insurance company and obtaining a quality policy is worth the money. Some contracts will include limitations of benefits for these type of claims, but it should not be limited to 3 weeks only.

Can Asthma be stress related?

Asthma attacks can certainly be triggered by stress, yes.

What is the most common stress related condition?

One of the most common stress related conditions is anxiety. It is hard to say exactly what the most common condition is. Another common stress related condition is high blood pressure.

Spotting and stress?

yes they are related

How do you keep your company medical policy while on leave and disability for stress?

If your company has approved leave and disability, then you should be able to claim the Family Medical Leave Act as protection. Link Below.

Which syllable in the word cabinets receive the primary stress?

The primary stress in the word "cabinets" is on the second syllable, "bi".