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96 males to 100 females.

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Q: What is the ratio of males to females in Singapore?
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What is the ratio 9 males 11 females?

The ratio of males to females is 9:11, meaning for every 9 males, there are 11 females.

What is the ratio of 55 females to 45 males?

The ratio of females to males is 55:45, or simplified to 11:9. This means for every 11 females, there are 9 males.

What is the ratio of males to females in the medical field?

The ratio of males to females in the medical field was about 10 females to every 13 males in the 1970s. The CDC has estimated that this ratio has become almost balanced as of 2010.

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The sex ratio in Varanasi is approximately 900 females per 1,000 males. This means there are more males than females in the city.

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Sex ratio is ratio of males to females in a population.

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As of 2021, the ratio of females to males in the U.S. House of Representatives is approximately 1:5, with roughly 26% of Representatives being female.

Ratio of males to females in australia?

The 2014 estimate is 1.0054 males per female.

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The decimal fraction for males, in the total, is 0.65

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