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If the population growth rate becomes zero the population size becomes static. It stays where it was when it became zero until the rate changes. If the rate becomes negative the population would begin to shrink.

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Q: When the population growth rate becomes zero what is the population size equal to?
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If immigration and emigration numbers remain equal, the most important contributing factor to a slowed growth rate would likely be a decrease in the birth rate of the population. With births being the primary driver of population growth in this scenario, a decline in the birth rate would result in a slower overall growth rate.

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The model of population growth that states the growth rate remains constant because birth and death rates are equal is called zero population growth or ZPG. In this scenario, the population size does not increase or decrease over time due to the balance between births and deaths.

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Population growth rate definition?

Population growth rate is the rate at which populations change in size over time as a fraction of the initial population. The formula used to measure growth rate is (birth rate + immigration) - (death rate + emigration).