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Queenie Botsford

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How do you prove rhs congruence

Here is the answer to your query.

Consider two ∆ABC and ∆PQR. In these two triangles ∠B = ∠Q = 90�, AB = PQ and AC = PR.

We can prove the R.H.S congruence rule i.e. to prove ∆ABC ≅ ∆PQR

We need the help of SSS congruence rule.

We have AB = PQ, and AC = PR

So, to prove ∆ABC ≅ ∆PQR in SSS congruence rule we just need to show BC = QR

Now, using Pythagoras theorems in ∆ABC and ∆PQR

Now, in ∆ABC and ∆PQR

AB = PQ, BC = QR, AC = PR

∴ ∆ABC ≅ ∆PQR [Using SSS congruence rule]

So, we have AB = PQ, AC = PR, ∠B = ∠Q = 90� and we have proved ∆ABC ≅ ∆PQR. This is proof of R.H.S. congruence rule.

Hope! This will help you.


Some triangles can have more than one right angle true or false


What else would need to be congruent to show that abc def by sas

pfft no, it's AC = DF

What else would need to be congruent to show that abc def by the aas theorem

AC is congruent to DF.

What do you know to be true about the values of p and q

p = q

What else would need to be congruent to show that abc def by asa

Angle "A" is congruent to Angle "D"

Is LMN OPQ If so name the congruence postulate that applies

congruent - SSS

Answer by Arteom, Friday December 10, 2010

Is LNM OQP If so name the postulate that applies

Congruent - SAS

What else would need to be congruent to show that jkl mno by aas

AAS is equal to angle-angle-side, and is descriptive of a triangle. JKL and MNO would be the sides and angles of a triangle. The two sides must be congruent to the opposite angle.

True or false An isosceles triangle can be scalene

Absolutely false. A scalene triangle by definition has no side equal to another.

An isosceles triangle by definition has two equal sides.

If two sides of a triangle are congruent then the triangle must have two congruent angles

Yes such as an isosceles triangle

What else would need to be congruent to show that abc pqr by sss

Bc= qr

If lmn xyz which congruences are true by cpctc

If lmn xyz which congruences are true by cpctc:




SSA side-side-angle guarantees congruence between two triangles

True -- SSA does NOT guarantee congruence.

Only SAS, SSS, and ASA can do that (and AAS, because if two pairs of corresponding angles are congruent, the third has to be).

You can find the blank parts of two congrent triangles by aligning them perfectly on top of each other

It is actually "CORRESPONDING"..

AAA angle angle angle guarantees congruence between two triangles

No, it does not. It only guarantees similarity.

Is UVW congruent XYZ If so name the postulate that applies

not congruent

In a triangle the angle with the smallest measure is always opposite the

shortest side

MNO PQR If so name the congruence postulate that applies

Congruent - SSS

What must be true before using corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent in a proof

The triangles must be congruent.

What else would need to be congruent to show that efg is congruent to hij by sss

SSS is enough to show congruence.

What else would need to congruent to show that abc is congruent to xyz by asa

angle B angle Y

(Tested, correct)

Nicki is not the answer, just ignore that.

An equiangular triangle can never be scalene true or false

An equiangular triangle is always equal. A scalene triangle does not have to have any equal sides. Therefore an equiangular triangle in never scalene.

Which sentence is most clearly about the relationship between a poems setting and mood

i honestly dont know

If lmn xyz which congruences are true by cpctc check all that apply.


If QRS TUV which congruences are true by CPCTC Check all that apply.

QR=TU, QS=TV, angleR=angleU, and angleS= angleV

What else would need to be congruent to show that abc congruent xyz by SAS

__ - __


  • = is the similar sign
In JKL and PQR if J P K Q and L R then JKL must be congruent to PQR


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How do you prove rhs congruence

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How do you prove rhs congruence

What else would need to be congruent to show that abc xyz by aas

What else would need to be congruent to show that abc def by sas

What else would need to be congruent to show that abc def by the aas theorem

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What else would need to be congruent to show that abc def by sas

What else would need to be congruent to show that abc def by the aas theorem

What else would need to be congruent to show that abc xyz by asa

What else would need to be congruent to show that abc def by asa

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How do you prove rhs congruence

What else would need to be congruent to show that abc xyz by aas

What else would need to be congruent to show that abc def by sas

What else would need to be congruent to show that abc def by the aas theorem

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