

Musical Instruments

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Hal Keebler

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Ancient musical instrument similar to the buccina

The cornu is an ancient musical instrument very similar to the buccina.

What were the Greek Muses known for

Each of the Greek muses had a specific talent in the arts.

Using two pieces of string stretched to the same tension Pythagoras discovered the ratio for creating the interval of a perfect octave was


The oldest playable musical instruments were discovered in and are thought to be between 7000 and 9000 years old

The oldest playable musical instrument were discovered in China.

In Greek culture music was an important part of the education of every Greek citizen In the Roman culture music was

was not as highly valued (APEX)

The chordophone used in Ancient Greece to play in contests and festivals is the


The first experiments in acoustics were conducted by the philosopher and scientist

Pythagoras conducted the first experiments in acoustics.

The term music comes from the in Greek Mythology


Which famous mythological figure was known for playing the lyre


Plato felt that music could help to harmonize the soul


Refers to the four subjects that were studied in school and considered essential on the pathway to knowledge

Quadrivium refers to the four subjects that were studied in school.

Pythagoras set about conducting acoustical experiments after hearing the created by hammers in a blacksmith shop


A small thin piece of ivory bone or plastic that is used to strum an instrument like the kithara is called an

A Plectrum

In the Greek Doctrine of Ethos man should try to balance between Logos or rational behavior and what


Pythagoras discovered by stretching out two strings that to create the interval of a

perfect fourth !

What classification group is the cowbell in

The cowbell is a percussion instrument.

Aristotle recognize that modes be used for different reasons He praised a certain mode for its ability to settle the mind and thought it should be taught to all youth. Which mode was it

Logos, or logic, was believed by Aristotle to settle the mind.

Instead of banning certain modes altogether Aristotle recognized that modes could be used for different reasons He praised a certain mode for its ability to settle the mind and thought it should be

Instead of banning certain modes altogether Aristotle recognized that modes could be used for different reason.

Which instruments listed below are examples of the classification of idiophone

Maracas and Finger cymbals.

Which instrument listed below is an example of a aerophone


What Boethius wrote of or the music of the universe.

musica mundana

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