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Giovanny Medhurst

Lvl 10
2y ago
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What is the value of p


What is the definition of the remote interior angle of a triangle

Remote interior angles are the two angles of a triangle that are not adjacent to the exterior angle which is drawn by extending one of the sides. So when you draw out your triangle, the remote interior angles are the two angles that are the furthest away from your exerior angle.

What is the greatest number of acute angles that a triangle can contain


What is 79 x 65


What do you know to be true about the values of p and q

p = q

Is the amount of a good or service a consumer is willing and able to buy at various prices during a given time period


What do you know to be true about the values of a and b

Can't be determined

Choose the best descriptions of the contraction phase of a business cycle

D and E A+ users ^^

What is the greatest number of acute angles right triangle can contain

Two. Two acute angles in a right triangle.

MNO PQR If so name the congruence postulate that applies

Congruent - SSS

How many remote interior angles are there for each exterior angle

For a polygon with n sides (n angles), there are (n - 1) remote interior angles for each exterior angle.

What is the value of y when the value of x is 3

It depends on the relationship between x and y.

What is the greatest number of obtuse angles a right triangle can contain


Which is a true statement about a exterior angle of a triangle

180 degrees minus interior angle = exterior angle and that the 3 exterior angles of a triangle add up to 360 degrees.

What is an exterior angle of a triangle and how does the measure of an exterior angle relate to the interior angles

Exterior angle+interior angle=180 degrees and 180-exterior angle=interior angle

A triangle with two acute angles must be a right triangle.

Only if the right triangle contains a 90 degree angle and 2 acute angles that add up to 90 degrees

Which segment always divides a triangle into two triangles of equal areas


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