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Ora Nader

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Cards in this guide (11)
What does Macbeth see on his way to kill the king

He sees a dagger floating in the air in front of him. He concludes that it must be a "dagger of the mind", a hallucination.

What impression of Macbeth does the passage give you

It gives the impression that Macbeth is superhumanly evil, as if he were the devil.

Where is Macbeth going when he sees the bloody dagger

Where is Macbeth going when he sees the bloody dagger?

What do the three witches predict will happen to Macbeth

They predict that he will become king. Or rather, the last one does. Each one hails him by a different title.

What part does Lady Macbeth play in Macbeths decision to kill the king

The crucial part. Without Lady Macbeth, this would have been Macbeth's final decision: "We will proceed no further in this business." Macbeth would never have killed Duncan unless Lady Macbeth had goaded him into it.

What evidence from the text leads you to believe that dagger Macbeth sees is an illusion

"Come, let me clutch thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still."

Malcolm and Donalbain are suspected of which crime

killing king duncan (:

What evidence from the text supports the idea that Lady Macbeth believes her husband is too weak and cowardly to kill the king

art thou afeared / to be the same in thine own act and valour / as thou art in desire?

What do Macbeths conflicting emotions about the murder of Duncan suggest about his character

He is complex, with both good and bad qualities.

Which translation of the passage best explains Macbeth's reasoning for not murdering Duncan

Duncan is such a good and popular king; it would be cruel to kill him and make the country sad.

In the passage what does Lady Macbeth fear about her husband

that he wont be strong enough to kill the king and further his own ambitions

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