

Math and Arithmetic

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Brenden McClure

Lvl 10
2y ago
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What are the whole numbers

The whole numbers are all numbers zero and up (including zero ).

All integers are whole numbers


What fractions are a perfect square

None. Perfect squares, by definition, are the squares of counting numbers and these cannot be fractions.

Is -6.25 an integers or rational numbers

It is a rational number but not an integer.

Can whole numbers be fractions




What is 9.382 to 1dp


What are the difference between natural numbers and irrational numbers

All natural numbers are rational numbers.

No irrational numbers are natural numbers.

Is 1 a rational number answer

1 is a rational number, as you can express it as a fraction: 1/1 = 2/2 = 3/3 = 4/4 ... n/n = 1 for finite n.

What is 0.46 rounded to the nearest hundred

To the nearest 100, it is 0.

To the nearest 100, it is 0.

To the nearest 100, it is 0.

To the nearest 100, it is 0.

Are no perfect squares whole numbers

By definition, ALL perfect squares are whole numbers!

Is -2.24224222422224222224 a irration number


What is 83.25 rounded to the whole number

83.25 rounded to the nearest whole number is 83

When was Natural City created

Natural City was created on 2003-09-05.

What is 512.715 to the nearest whole number

512.715 rounded to the nearest whole number would be 513.000.

Is 0.25 a ration number

Yes, 0.25 is a rational number because it can be expressed as a fraction in the form of 1/4

What is the nearest integer of 53

It is already rounded to the nearest integer.

What is 1.998 (2dp)


Is 1/2 a whole number or a natural number


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