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Q: 10 changes during adolesence for boys and girls?
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What is the importance of changes that occurs during puberty in boys and girls?


What are some of the changes 12 to 15 year old girls and boys get during puberty?

some changes are pimples,and for girls periods and for boys a liquid that is heaver than water containing sperm which if girls have they're period can get girls pregnant.

Why a girl changes to boy?

Girls do not change into boys during puberty. Girls can only turn into boys if they have a sex change operation and a continuing course of hormone injections.

Why change takes place in boys and girls during the age of puberty?

to mature their body so they can have children

What are the chemicals called that cause the changes in boys and girls during puberty?

Hormones such as the male hormone Testosterone and the female hormone Estrogen.

What are the different developmental changes happen to boys and girls?

Both girls and boys grow hair!!

What are the changes in purberty?

During puberty, both boys and girls experience physical changes such as growth spurts, development of secondary sexual characteristics (like facial hair in boys and breast development in girls), and hormonal changes leading to sexual maturity. Hormones like testosterone and estrogen play a key role in these changes, which usually occur between the ages of 10 and 14 for girls and 12 and 16 for boys.

What do both boys and girs grow during puberty?

Both boys and girls grow their sex organs and hormones through puberty. There are a lot of changes that happen to boys and girls as they go through teenage years. The sex hormones are very rampant in them during this age group.

What are changes similar among boys and girls?

boys are similar to girls because boy go to the gym

What are some of the nonphysical changes that occur during adolescence?

You might find that you have... *mood swings *like girls/boys A LOT

Does puperty happen in boys and girls at the same time?

Every human starts puberty at a different time. Usually, all humans (boy and girls) experience puberty/adolesence between the ages of 12 and 18, but that is a broad range to go by. Also, according to statistics, girls usually mature faster than boys.

Do girls and boys experience the same changes in puberty?
