There are about 24 months (2 years) in 104 weeks.
how many weeks , months minutes and seconds in 20 years
156 weeks are in 3 years. 52 weeks are in 1 year, and 104 weeks are in 2 years.
7 years and 5 months.
Being that there are 52 weeks in a year and 36 months is three years, the answer is 156 weeks.
978.327318 weeks
99 weeks equals 1 year, 10 months and 3 weeks calendar years
At 52 weeks in a year, it would be 3 years
260.71428 weeks
1year and 4 months
12 months = 1 year = 52 weeks 60 months = 5 years = 260 weeks 3 months = 52 / 4 = 13 weeks 63 months = 260 + 13 = 273 weeks (approximately) (as months are not exactly 4 weeks)
11 months and 2 wks