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Colorblindness is an X-linked recessive disorder. This means girls (who have the sex chromosomes XX) must have a colorblind X from dad and a colorblind X from mom. Boys only need to have one colorblind X to be colorblind because they have sex chromosomes XY (and have only 1 X).

If the dad has it, he has the colorblind X. If the daughter has it, she must have gotten her mom's colorblind X. If the mom is colorblind, then every child they have will be colorblind. If the mom is not colorblind, then she must be a carrier - she must have 1 normal X and 1 colorblind X.

Mom is either colorblind (with 2 colorblind Xs) or she is a carrier. Dad is definitely colorblind.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Short answer: Yes, but it's not likely.
The genes associated with color blindness normally occur on the X chromosome and are recessive: if either of the 23rd pair has a working gene, the person will not be color blind in that particular way. Since women have two X chromosomes, both of them need to be defective in order for her to be color blind. However, men only have one X chromosome, and if it's defective they will be color blind: their Y chromosome does not have the necessary working gene to compensate.
For this reason, for a daughter to be color blind, she needs to get defective genes from both parents. A mother can carry the gene without being color blind, but a father cannot, so usually if the father has normal vision the daughter will have normal vision.
However, there are many kinds of color blindness, and some types are not a result of mutations in the 23rd pair. It is possible for either a man or a woman to carry one of these defective genes and still have normal vision, and if so, it is then possible for their daughter to be unlucky enough to get defective genes from both parents and have one of these kinds of color blindness.

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14y ago

Overall, there is a 50% chance that a son or daughter will be colorblind.

Colorblindness is a recessive sex-linked trait, which means that the gene for it is located on the X chromosome. Women have two X chromosomes, so they can carry the colorblindness gene without being colorblind themselves. (They need both chromosomes to contain the recessive gene in order to express it and be colorblind.) Men have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome, so only their one X chromosome must contain the recessive gene in order for them to be colorblind. That means that if the woman's father was colorblind, she must be a carrier for it, since she inherited all the genes in his X chromosome. (If she had inherited all the genes in his Y chromosome, she would be a man instead.)

Assuming the woman herself is not colorblind, she has one dominant (non-colorblind) allele (call it "A") and one recessive (colorblind) allele (call it "a"). Her husband, who is colorblind, must have the dominant allele A. Thus their genotypes (the genes they have) look like this: XAXa for the woman (X represents an X chromosome) and XaY for the man (Y represents the Y chromosome).

When they have children, there are two possible genotypes a daughter may have: XAXa, where the girl inherited the non-colorblind allele from her mother and the colorblind allele from her father and is thus a carrier but not colorblind herself, and XaXa, where she inherited the recessive colorblind allele from parents and is then herself colorblind as well. There are two possibilities for the son as well: XAY, where he got the dominant allele from his mother and is not colorblind, and XaY, where he got the recessive allele from his mother and is colorblind like his father. Thus, there is a 50% chance that one of their children will be colorblind.

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13y ago

Yes. For the son to be colorblind the mother would also have to be either colorblind or a carrier. If the father is colorblind and the mother is neither colorblind nor a carrier then only the daughters will be born as carriers and the sons will not be affected. A good diagram that explains how offspring will be affected can be viewed in the related links section.

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12y ago

Yes it's mostly men who are color blind and it's not always hereditary.

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9y ago

It is possible for anyone to be born colorblind, even the daughter of a woman with normal color vision.

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Q: A womens father is colorblind She marries a colorblind man Will there son or daughter be colorblind?
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