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Breasts change in size and shape throughout a womans life. Either from weight gain, or pregnancy or hormones. A womans breast usually stop growing by time she turns 21.

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Q: Could ma breasts grow bigger even f m NT pregnant?
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If you drink a lot of milk will that make your breasts big just by a little?

Sorry! Milk, even a lot of milk will not make your breast bigger, not even a little bit.. The only way to get bigger breasts is my breasts implants.

If you missed your period and your breasts are itching like crazy and they are sore even when you don't touch them could you be pregnant?

Yes. Take a pregnancy test

If you have missed your period for three months have sore breasts ALL the time and have cramps only sometimes could you be pregnant even if you're only twelve and have NOT had sex?

If you didnt have sex then no you cant be pregnant

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What an odd question. There is no cheat code for bigger breasts for The Sims 2. In fact, you can't alter this attribute at all even when you create a new Sim.

Why would your breasts be sore even if you can't get pregnant or no longer have a period?

probrably because your sleeping on them or something..

If you can see blue veins clearly in both your breasts and even underneath them is that a sign of pregnancy?

Veiny breasts is a sign of pregnancy yes. But some womens breast skin is finer than others and veins are more noticeable. If this is new for you and you have missed a period, yes you could be pregnant.

My period isn't due My breasts are sore and I'm getting cramps. It seems to soon for premenstrual signs. We were trying to conceive so could I be pregnant?

Yes. I was expecting my perid to come on, I had the regular cramps and even started spotting, but it turned out I was in fact pregnant. I wasn't on the shot then and wasn't taking any medicine. So I would say yes, you could be pregnant.

You are having period symptoms but no bleeding could you be pregnant?

Even in the presence of bleeding, you could still be pregnant.

What symptoms would you have if you are pregnant while on the pill?

If you are on the pill it is unlikely that you are pregnant. If you did get pregnant you would have the same symptoms as if you were not on the pill. Nausea, fatigue, tender breasts, heartburn, frequent urination. Missing a period COULD be a sign - but would be less reliable because you are taking hormones. At home pregnancy tests will work even if you are on the pill.

Can you be pregnant and not have sore breasts?

Yes, all women have different symptoms. Some women even have different symptoms with each pregnancy.

What could it mean if your breasts have all of a sudden become harder and it now hurts when even lightly pressed against they feel heavier then usual but the have not got any bigger?

ur gettin threw pubirty maybe lol

Could you get pregnant on your last day of your period even if you have irregular periods?

Yes, You could get pregnant whether you have regular periods or not. But, If you have your period and you get pregnant it could lead to a miscarriage.