That is the stupidest question EVER. You don't ask questions like that HERE, you get a cheat book or something, but I do have your answer. Just finish the stupid level, it can't be that hard.
Mariokart wii
You get a star on every course AND unlock everything!
Beat the star cup
Well if your talking about Mariokart DS then beat 100cc
Rob is unlocked once you beat 150 CC Mirror.
If in Mariokart wii, any of the low-class racers (babies) And if in mariokart DS, either luigi or yoshi.
To beat this level you have to enter the number 22.
beat the 150 mirror regular cups(the new tracks)
First beat 150cc. You should of unlocked 150cc mirror. If you beat 150cc mirror you unlock R.O.B.
you could him get after you beat all the missions and you beat 50c 100c 150c and mirror in grand prix
It's the leaf cup, actually. Beat the flower cup.
beat the 150 mirror top cups in first place all 4 of them and beat all the missions