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I never suffered from Math Anxiety, or Test Anxiety, although I have observed people who have. I knew of one student who had Test Anxiety so badly, his math professor in his Junior College, when it came test time, would tell the student, "Here. Fill this out." That worked for that student; he would fill out the paper and hand it in, and do well on it. If he was told it was a test, he'd freeze and fail.

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Q: How do you get rid of math anxiety?
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It is possible for anxiety to affect a student's performance. It could affect their ability to concentrate.

How does math anxiety differ from general anxiety?

Maths anxiety is anxiety that is specifically brought on by having to do maths.general anxiety is anxiety that arises as a result of situations that are not ,necessarily involving mathematics.if you didn't have to be involved with maths,you will not get maths anxiety.

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You can easily get an emotional support animal and avoid social anxiety.

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the relation between math anxiety and excited intelligence

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It gets rid of/controls anxiety.

How is math anxiety useful teachers and school?

it help them get better in life

What should i do to overcome anxiety and social anxiety due to eplipesy?

I used to have terrible anxiety. What I done was thought happy thoughts and stayed out in the sun alot. I don't know how, but being outside really helps get rid of anxiety.

Describe your feelings about math rate your math anxiety and describe what coping mechanisms might be helpful to you and your classmates?

hate it Love it.

What is pharentheces in math?

parenthesis means that you do all that you have to get rid of them first

How to get rid of anxiety feeling of urinating often?

Anxiety symptoms are all pretty much treated the same way, by treating the underlying anxiety. Try to relax, practice meditation and deep breathing. Or talk to your doctor about anxiety medication, also to make sure it's not another condition.

How can you git rid of anxiety?

try a raki profressional or have a warm bath and get some well earned sleep

How do you get rid of leftover numbers in math expressions?

decimal & fraction i think ;D