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Depends on whether the value is designated in mmol/l or mg/dl.

If it's 9 mmol/l it is a serious problem (high), dependent on total cholesterol and HDL ratio. If it is 9 mg/dl (the American measurement for cholesterol), its not possible since a normal cholesterol is in the 130 mg/dl range.

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Q: Is it serious to have a cholesterol of 9?
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Too much cholesterol in the blood, or high blood cholesterol, can be serious. People with high blood cholesterol have a greater chance of getting heart disease. High blood cholesterol itself does not cause symptoms, so many people are unaware that their cholesterol level is too high.

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One gram of cholesterol contains about 8.8 kilocalories of energy.

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There are two types of cholesterol spots in eyes. The most common type, called xanthoma, are soft, yellow bumps visible on the eyelids. These spots are not harmful. The second, more serious type of cholesterol found in the eye -- cholesterol embolus -- can only be seen on the back of the eye using specialized equipment.

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Where can I find information and advice on low cholesterol food list?

There are many tips to help lower cholesterol levels. WebMd has 9 excellent food tips to follow here.

Whether 118 is too high for LDL cholesterol Calc?

118 is not considered to be "optimal" but, "near optimal". Optimal LDL cholesterol would be less than 100. Anything over 130 and its time to take serious action.

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Any food or drink other than water (including coffee, tea and soft drinks) consumed within 9 to 12 hours of a cholesterol test can affect blood cholesterol.

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The impact of arteriosclerosis on the body (hardening of vessels due to cholesterol deposits) can be heart attack, stroke, and other serious conditions.

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