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If you're asking if a person with bloodtype 0+ and a person with a+ have sex and can get pregnant, then the answer is yes.

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Q: Is o plus and a plus can get pregnancy?
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Can parents A- and O plus have a healthy pregnancy?


I am 32year male ab plus bloodgroup can i marry 35year female o blood grup if yes can any problem in pregnancy-?

If a 32-year old male is in the AB plus blood group, he can marry a 35-year old female that is in the O blood group without having any problems in pregnancy.

What is o plus o plus o?

o+o+o = o

I am 32year male ab plus bloodgroup can i marry 35year female o blood grup if yes can any problem in pregnancy?

There should not be a problem during pregnancy because of a difference in blood type.

Can a blood types O plus and B plus of parents have difficulty in getting pregnancy?

Blood types of parents typically do not affect fertility or the ability to get pregnant. However, in cases of Rh incompatibility, where the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive, there can be concerns during pregnancy that may require medical monitoring or treatment. It is always best to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Can O plus with B plus equals O plus?


Can an O plus mother and an O plus father have an A plus child?


Is there any problem in pregnancy if mother is O- and father is O plus?

If the mother is blood type O- and the father is blood type O+, there is a potential risk of the baby being Rh positive. This could lead to a condition called Rh incompatibility during pregnancy, where the mother's immune system may produce antibodies against the baby's blood if they have Rh-positive blood. This can cause complications in future pregnancies, but can be managed with proper medical care.

Can A plus mother and O plus father have O- child?


Can a child be o plus blood if the father is ab plus and the mother is o plus?


What type will baby be when mom is o- and dad is o plus plus?

If mom is O- and dad is O+, then the baby can either be O- or O+

Can parents with o plus and o negative group can have a child with b plus blood group?

normally they have "o" plus or negative.