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saltatory conduction

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Q: The jumping of an action potenial from node to node has been commonly called a what?
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What kind of energy is it called when a pitcher is holding a baseball in it?

It's called potenial energy.

Why is it called chemical potenial energy?

because it is the energy stored in atoms and the bonds between them.

Conduction along a myelinated axon is called?

It is called saltatory conduction. This describes the "jumping" of an action potential from node to node on a myelinated axon.

What is an unmounted horse jumping competition called?

An unmounted horse jumping competition is called "horseless show jumping" or "unmounted equitation jumping." Riders can practice their jumping technique without the aid of a live horse by visualizing the course and jumps.

what Are drawn objects on a slide that have a routine attached to them called?

Objects on a slide that have a routine attached to them are typically referred to as "action buttons". These buttons can be assigned specific actions to perform when clicked, such as jumping to another slide, running a macro, or triggering an animation. They are commonly used in interactive presentations to add interactivity and functionality.

What is horse jumping over fence called?

It's just called jumping. The Jumping shows are called Show Jumping, and then Hunter-Jumper. From what I have heard, Show Jumping is based on speed and focuses more on the horse than the rider. Hunter-Jumper is about the rider.

What is that jumping marble thing called?

i believe you're talking about jumping jacks.

What is an action meant to harm or destroy referred to as?

An action meant to harm or destroy is commonly referred to as an act of aggression or an act of violence. It can also be called an attack or an offensive action, depending on the context.

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Why are jumping Jacks called jumping jacks?

They are named for Jack Lalanne who popularized but did not invent the exercise.

Which language is used to create macros in Excel?

Visual BASIC for Applications, commonly called VBA.Visual BASIC for Applications, commonly called VBA.Visual BASIC for Applications, commonly called VBA.Visual BASIC for Applications, commonly called VBA.Visual BASIC for Applications, commonly called VBA.Visual BASIC for Applications, commonly called VBA.Visual BASIC for Applications, commonly called VBA.Visual BASIC for Applications, commonly called VBA.Visual BASIC for Applications, commonly called VBA.Visual BASIC for Applications, commonly called VBA.Visual BASIC for Applications, commonly called VBA.

What is the node-to-node jumping regeneration of an action potential along a myelinated axon called?

saltatory conduction Saltatory conduction is derived from the Latin word saltare, which means leaping