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Q: What Lines the trachea and upper airways?
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Related questions

What are the large airways that branch off the trachea?

The large airways that branch off the trachea are the mainstem bronchi. These branch into progressively smaller bronchioles.

What are the main airways that reach into the lungs?


How do you clear airways?

The Heimlich maneuver is the most common way.

Where is the trachea found upper and lower part of the respiratory tract?

the upper part of trachea is larynx and lower is two tubes which are bronchi

The inferior end of the trachea divides into the left and right what?

The trachea branches into the left and right airways at the carina. These branched airways are called the bronchi.

What connects the upper respiratory organs to the lungs?

trachea .... bronchi

Does dilate trachea and bronchioles caused by parasympathetic?

No, dilation of the trachea and bronchioles is typically caused by the sympathetic nervous system, which leads to relaxation of smooth muscles in the airways. Parasympathetic activity usually causes constriction of the airways.

What is in the upper airway?

The nose, pharynx, and trachea are the parts of the upper airway. The tubes of the lungs comprise the lower airway.

What is bronchscope?

A bronchoscopy is procedure where a doctor looks into your large airways (the trachea and bronchi). These are the main tubes that carry air into the lungs.

What is a bronchscope?

A bronchoscopy is procedure where a doctor looks into your large airways (the trachea and bronchi). These are the main tubes that carry air into the lungs.

Who is the owner jet lite air lines?

JET Airways

Which body system which includes the epiglottis trachea and bronchi?

The upper respiratory tract.