

Best Answer

gm/dl; GRAMS of hemoglobin that are present in a DECILITER of a blood sample

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Q: What are the proper units of measurement for reporting hemoglobin and hematocrit results?
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What is the proper Units of measurement for hemoglobin and hematocrit results?


Do you need to fast for a hemoglobin and hematocrit?

Fasting is not typically required for a hemoglobin and hematocrit test. These tests measure the levels of red blood cells in the blood and do not require fasting for accurate results.

Does dehydration affect urinalysis results?

YES YES YES YES! Hematocrit, Hemoglobin, as well as a variety of electrolytes!!

What if you have a hemoglobin of 16.5 and hematocrit of 47.6?

A hemoglobin of 16.5 and hematocrit of 47.6 are within normal ranges for adults. These values indicate that your blood has sufficient oxygen-carrying capacity. However, it's always best to interpret these results in the context of your overall health and symptoms with the help of a healthcare provider.

Hemoglobin 10.8 g dL hematocrit 33.5 percent MCV 78.5 fl lab results could indicate what type of condition?


How does hemolysis affect hematocrit?

Hemolysis leads to the release of hemoglobin from red blood cells, increasing the amount of unbound hemoglobin in the blood plasma. This can falsely raise the hematocrit levels, as the hemoglobin released from the lysed red blood cells is not actually part of the circulating red blood cells measured in the hematocrit test.

What test would hemoconcentration affect?

Hemoconcentration typically affects blood tests that measure the concentration of various components in the blood, such as hemoglobin, hematocrit, and electrolytes. It may lead to falsely elevated results due to a decrease in the plasma volume, causing the concentration of these components to appear higher than they actually are.

Do you fast for a hemoglobin test?

No, fasting won't compromise your hemoglobin results.

What labs do you monitor when taking zovirax?

Taking zovirax may increase lab results for BUN, creatinine, liver enzymes, and bilirubin. It may decrease hemoglobin and hematocrit. It may increase or decrease platelet counts, neutrophils and white blood cell counts.

How do you use significant digits when reporting the results of calculations involving measurement?

The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.

What does your CBC blood test results mean?

hemoglobin 11.5

How to read the results of hematology?

To read the results of a hematology test, look at values such as red blood cell count, white blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelet count. Compare these values to the reference ranges provided by the laboratory. Values within the reference range are considered normal, while values outside the range may indicate an underlying medical condition. If you have concerns about your results, consult with a healthcare provider for further interpretation and guidance.