

Best Answer

I think the Best place to live with COPD or any respiratory diastase is a place that is :

- Small or middle sized city , with very little pollution, no big industries, not too many cars and traffic. Check for possible Allergies problems before to pick up a city to live.

- No high altitude town, it must be as close as possible to the sea level altitude. This is very important for your breathing capacity.

- Preferably located by the ocean or close to the ocean, to benefit from the healing effect of SEA AIR that will normally protect your lung condition from worsening, improve your symptoms, and even allow much longer life expectancy.

- Swimming regularly in calm and warm SEA WATERS to benefit from the healing effect of the sea salt and all the other miraculous sea water minerals. But remain always close to the shore.

- Only a Winter warm town, cold weather is harmful to COPC patients, and in a relative way to life expectancy

- No cloudy city, only clear skies, preferably sunny skies for global mental and physical health improvement as D vitamin reserves (from the sun) are needed for all cells and organs to function at their best.

- Avoid breathing cooking smoke (especially fried oil) at home and every where, so don't live in home located in a street with cooking odors and smoke from restaurants. It is often the case in touristy streets in exotic countries.

- Never live in a house or flat where you have to close all windows at night, weither it is for safety raisons or for cold weather reason. You need enough oxygen coming into your room and into your lung at night too.

- No place with no large bathroom or with only a small shower where you have to breath the very hot, humid and polluted air/steam.

- Don't live in the place that is too far from a supermarket, a pharmacy, a good hospital and doctors, where you have to walk a long way or to drive long way before getting what you need.

- Avoid cities where emergency services are slow, or with a bad reputation etc.

- The town must not be too small to have some possibilities of social life what is important for mental well-being

- Safe city with friendly people -or at least not rude people-, to live in peace of mind is important when you suffer from COPD.

- A city that is not too far from your children or your parents and family, is important even if you are a couple. Isolation is never advised.

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