Short layers is when the shortest cut of your layers are high on your head. Long layers is when the shortest cut of you layers are within a few inches of the longest length of hair. Medium layers is somewhere in between the two, usually when your layers start at ear or chin level.
The best hair cut for medium hair would be medium layers, face frame, side bangs work really well ( but its up to you), and usually being cut around the bra hook area. Also if you tell you hair dresser to slither the crown area like they are doing layers it will get all of the gunk out. (:
layers look great if they are done properly :-)
medium bones
what does it mean to have a soil-less medium
Rock layers that are forming are stratifying.
a mean is the average the medium is the number in the midle of the ordered numbers
A medium is a substance in which a process occurs.
If you mean a medium, as in the supernatural, then no. Though a medium is a good medium for relieving the gullible of their money.
A medium is a substance in which a process occurs.
Many layers!! :D
I'm not sure what you exactly mean, but if you mean how to merge layers, select all layers (Using CTRL and left click), then right click on them and select merge layers.
Layers of rock that were laid down longer ago than other layers. The law of superposition states the the layers deeper down are the oldest.