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Q: What does the 'trend of a mean' mean?
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What does trend mean in mathematical temrs?

a trend is a pattern or sequence

What does trend mean in math?

a trend in math is a pattern or sequence.

What does on trend mean?

trend means something that keeps happening.

What does contemporary trend mean?

Contemporary trend is how the pattern of life, fashion, is changing at the moment.

What do you mean by mean vector in statistics?

The direction in which the trend analysis points.

What is a trend stationary process?

A trend stationary process is a time series where the mean and variance are constant over time but a deterministic trend is present. This means that the series is stationary once the trend component is removed.

What does trend mean you math terms?

A trend is a math term. It is on a line graph. It is a slope between two variables.

What does trend-en mean?

i have never heard of trenden ?

What does trend in math terms mean?

One example of a 'Trend' would be; In a Graph if there is a point in the graph where you start to see a pattern, its sort of like a trend. But usually you have to explain it, you would have to understand all of the data to know what the actual trend is.

What is a trend that occurs when both sets of data items increase?

Specify what you mean by "trend". The correlation remains the same. Specify what you mean by "increase". Multiplying will result in a difference in variance, addition will not.

What does downward trend mean in math?

I don't know what this means but I can tell you what trends mean in math it means A trend within the data the data appears to behave. That's what I got thank you

What does the word trends icon mean for exploration?

trend means fashion designung stuff like gucci everything has got its own trend