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If referring to an illness, it is after the incubation period, the stage of the illness where the symptoms are the most severe, before recovery or convalesense.

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Q: What is acute stage?
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The phases of Acute Radiation Syndrome are the prodromal phase, manifest illness phase, latent phase, and recovery or death phase. The prodromal phase occurs within hours to days after exposure, with symptoms like nausea and vomiting. The manifest illness phase presents with symptoms specific to the level of radiation exposure, such as bone marrow suppression or gastrointestinal symptoms.

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There is no way of effectively treating the symptoms of any acute hepatitis, including hepatitis E. During acute infection, a patient should take a balanced diet and rest in bed as needed.

Why is sinusitis a contraindication to massage?

The main concern is that it is an acute stage and that usually is considered a contraindication because the body is using most of its resources to combat the infection. Massage would only add to the overload of resources at work and task the body systems even more. It is best to let the acute phase resolve to a sub-acute level, then massage can be beneficial in the healing phase.

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Stage 1: Acute fever and upper respiratory symptoms · Stage 2: Fever subsides · Stage 3: Circulatory failure, neurological problems, and hemorrhaging · Stage 4: Shock and death (10% of all cases reach this stage)