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Body temperature is around 37 degrees Celsius.

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Q: What is the Celsius temp for humans?
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What is the equation for changing Celsius to kelvin?

Temp. Celsius = Temp. Kelvin - 273.15

Dogs normal body temp?

Higher than humans, about 38 degrees Celsius, or 100.4 F (Fahrenheit).

What is the formula on how to convert degree Celsius into rankine?

Rankine temp = 1.8(Celsius temp) + 491.67

What does 17 Fahrenheit equal in Celsius?

Use this formula. Temp. Fahrenheit = Temp. Celsius(1.80) + 32 so, 17 F = Temp. Celsius(1.80) + 32 ( subtract 32 from each side ) -15 = Temp. Celsius(1.80) ( divide each side by 1.80 ) -8.3 = Temperature Celsius

What is the celsius temp if the temp is 85 Fahrenheit?

about 29.4444

If the absolute temp of a is 600 k the temp in degrees celsius?

-273.15+600=326.85 degrees celsius

What is 150 degress Fahrenheit in Celsius?

65.6 degrees Celsius (I rounded the temp up, since it was 65.55...) you can calculate the Celsius temp by subtracting 32 from the Fahrenheit temp, then multiply that number by 5 and then divide the number by 9. (F temp - 32) 5/9 = Celsius

Maximum surface temperature on mars in celsius?

The surface temperature of Mars in celsius is 23 Celsius. Here are some other temperatures you might be interested in: Mercury surface temp: 427 Celsius Venus surface temp: 484 Celsius Earth surface temp: 15.0 Celsius Hope this helped :)

What is the celsius temp when the Fahrenheit temp is 350?

350ºF = 176.7ºC

What is the temp temp of the inner core?

it is 6,650 degrees Celsius

If the temp is 32 degrees Fahrenheit what is the Celsius temp?


What is Jupiter's average temp in Celsius?

-130 Degrees Celsius