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Q: What is the deposition of calcium salts in bone tissues?
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What do you call the deposition of calcium salts into bone tissue?

The deposition of calcium salts into bone tissue is called mineralization or calcification. This process helps to strengthen and harden the bones, making them more rigid and able to support the body.

What is the difference between ossification and calcification?

Ossification is the process of bone formation, where cartilage is replaced by bone tissue. Calcification is the process of deposition of calcium salts in tissues, making them hard and rigid. While ossification specifically refers to bone formation, calcification can occur in various tissues in the body.

What are osseons tissues?

Osseous tissues refer to bone tissues, which are composed of cells, collagen fibers, and mineral salts, primarily calcium and phosphorus. These tissues provide structural support and protection for the body and are constantly being remodeled through processes like bone formation and resorption.

What is the role of bone salts and the organic matrix in making the bone both hard and flexible?

Bone salts, such as calcium and phosphorus, provide hardness to bones by forming a mineralized matrix. The organic matrix, composed mainly of collagen fibers, gives bones flexibility by providing a framework for mineral deposition. Together, bone salts and the organic matrix work synergistically to make bones both strong and flexible.

What tissue has lacuna calcium salts and blood vessels?

Osseous tissue has calcium, salts, and blood vessels.

What is the function of the calcium salts in a bone?

Calcium salts in bone provide strength and rigidity to the bone structure. They help to mineralize the bone matrix, making it hard and capable of withstanding mechanical stress. Calcium salts also play a role in bone remodeling and storage of calcium for regulatory purposes in the body.

What tissue forms when cartilage gradually becomes impregnated with calcium salts?

When cartilage becomes impregnated with calcium salts, it can transform into bone tissue through a process called endochondral ossification. This leads to the formation of bone tissue from a cartilaginous template.

What tissue has lacunae and calcium salts?

bone (osseus) tissue

Why is the bone in our bodt hard?

High mineral content (calcium salts).

Why can a bone not grow interstitially?

Because of the hard calcium salts in the matrix

If the calcium salts of bone are removed will the bone be highly flexible?

No, if the calcium salts of bone are removed, the bone will not be highly flexible. Calcium salts contribute to the bone's hardness and strength, so without them, the bone would be weak and more prone to fractures, rather than flexible.

Which organic salts are stored in bone?

Calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate are the main organic salts stored in bone tissue. These salts provide strength and rigidity to bones, helping to maintain their structure and support the body.