

Best Answer
  • Wash your face everyday with soap, drink lots of water, execise, or use treatments such as proactiv, or my personal recommendation that works very well, Thursday Plantation Soothing Camomile Wash For Acne and the Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Blemish Stick.
  • There are various home remedies for acne scars and many are going for these methods of dealing with the condition rather than the traditional one of using creams and gel. The convenience it gives the person makes it something that any one would naturally go for. Taking home remedies for acne scars should go with a few things.
  • Take lots of water, exercise and take supplementary vitamins with the home remedies for acne scars. They will add to making the condition go away quickly. As for the home remedies for acne scars, one of the most surprising one is your everyday toothpaste. Applying the paste on the affected area like a pimple will see it fading away within 24 hours.
  • A dairy-free diet (no dairy products whatsoever). Read the 'Dietary Cure For Acne' by Professor Loren Cordain (you can buy it or borrow it from your local library). Plus read about the scientific research by Dr. Cordain and his colleagues, which gives a new understanding of how acne is influenced by diet. The 'Dietary Cure for Acne' works by preventing the four immediate causes of acne.
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13y ago
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13y ago
  • The best way to get rid of acne is to give up dairy products.
  • I have really sensitive skin. I use the 4 step system by Clinque. i have been using it for about a week and my acne is almost gone. but if you have normal skin, you should get pro-activ. my friend has normal skin and it works great for her. she used it, and in 2 weeks her skin was definitely better.

    IF YOU HAVE TIME: Put an ice pack onto area with acne every half an hour for one or two minutes for about 3 hours. HAVE TIME BUT NO ATTENTION SPAN: Take a cotton ball or face pad and rub over area with acne every hour for 5 hours. (Don't forget to wash it of after it drys!). OVERNIGHT: This doesn't work for all skin types but for mostly. Rub white tooth past onto area with acne and let it dry then sleep with it on. When you get up in the morning you must remember to wash face thoroughly. If you do get acne do not pick or pop the pimples automatically once they emerge. It doesn't always work and it will just end up making you skin red and make the area look worse than it actually is.

  • You must find out what is causing that acne in order to stop it forever. It could be dairy products, lack of sleep, lack of personal hygiene, or hormonal. Wash your face every morning and night to clean the skin through.
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13y ago

Ok. French Fries and Hamburgers will never work. trust me even if they are homemade they still have a lot of fat and grease. It will just make acne worse. I know a way to get rid of acne and Fast. Use lemon juice, if you don't have lemon juice just fresh lemons then just squeeze them into a cup.

1. get Lemon Juice and Q-tips, cotton balls, or cotton pads so you can spread lemon juice over acne.

2. Dip Q-tip, cotton ball, or cotton pad in lemon juice and rub on your face, especially over acne.

3. Do another layer but this time don't use the same Q-tip, Cotton Ball, or cotton pad as you did the first time.

4. Leave on for 15-20 minutes

5. Wash off with warm/hot water, then wash face with warm/hot water and antibacterial soap(unscented if possible), then Wash with COLD water. Not warm, cold(this is to close your pores so it is harder for bacteria of other stuff to get in.)

Repeat this every morning and night, no more than that or your face will become very dry and even more red. I hope this helped, trust me, even if you are a teenager and every teenager get acne at some point this will help so much, most likely get rid of your acne completely.


ok wel 1st f all use a zote its a soap to was ur clothes read da back saftly used for babys wash with zote pink zote ok nott white wash evryday nite and mornin ok diz is 100% safe and actually works try it youll be happy you ddnt waste money in other expensive products wen diz costs $1 at petes fresh market runnn try it =)

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13y ago

The best and quickest way to get rid of acne is to be sure to keep the skin clean. Maybe go with little/no makeup for a few days, and make sure your skin doesnt get too oily. Avoid contact with your skin because this can get bacteria in your pores, causing acne. Some products, such as proactiv or benzoil peroxide, can help keep skin clean AND fight off acne. If it's very, very bad acne, consult a dermatologist and he can write you a prescription for an antibiotic or other treatment remedy to use on your skin. Just remember, don't think your acne will o away immediatley. Everyone gets acne and no one has perfect skin, so don't be frustrated if you're not getting the results you see on television.

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12y ago

I reccomend proactiv because im a proud user of it. I am very happy about my results and ive been using it for about 1 month now. Its very fast and effective. it may take a while for your skin to get used to the regimen but then it all gets better from there. Do not give up it gets better and better the longer your on it! Just use it 2 times a day with the right amount each day and your good! hope this helps! for more info you should check out the site

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14y ago

For me, I have struggled with acne since I was 7. So, here are some of the ways I have gotten rid of acne,

-Dont pop the pimple even if it is a white head. It only gets bigger.

-If you do pop the pimple, wash it immediately and put ointment on it.

-Bactroban ointment works well with most all acne. Bactroban is for infections butacne is considered a infection.

- If you dont have Bactroban, use triple antibiotic ointment.

-Dont use a lot of face coverage makeup, it only clogs the pores worse. Or, use makeup that has little or no oil in it.

-Wash your face with a foaming cleanser. So, the foam lifts up and out the pores instead of going in farther.

If you have acne after using these technics after a few months, visit your local Dermatologist.

-Hope this helps!

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13y ago

It depends on the severity of your acne. For some people with benign acne, an over the counter acne fighting soap such as Neutrogena can help. But if the acne is severe and persistent, the sufferer may need to go to a dermatologist to get prescription strength topical medicines and washes as well as a possible course of antibiotics.

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12y ago

The best way to getting rid of acne is to make sure you wash your face each day. In addition, there are many different acne products that can be used to help in ridding the acne from your face.

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9y ago

The fastest ways to get rid of acne include using lemon juice, tea tree oil or lavender oil

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First of all, I make a ix of soap, aloe, and activated charcoal, it gets rid of my zits and pimples fast. Hope this is helpful.

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