

Best Answer

The only reliable place to get that answer is from the doctor who ordered your

blood work from the lab. Now that you have the report, you must have him explain

the results to you, because he will be using those results to make decisions on

treatment for you.

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Q: What means High WBC and High Absolute Gran and Gran percent but low lymph percent and low Baso percent and low Eos percent in blood work?
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What is absolute lymphopenia?

Absolute lymphopenia is a low white blood cell count. A low percentage of lymphocytes could also cause absolute lymphopenia. Oftentimes it is a combination of the two.

What does the medical bracelet 'limb alert' mean?

It means that limb has challenged lymph drainage (e.g. after lymph node dissection during Breast cancer surgery). The bracelet reminds people not to take blood, insert IVs, or take a blood pressure on that arm.

How is the skin nourished?

Strictly speaking, skin cells are nourished the same way that all cells of the body are nourished, by means of the nutrients carried in the blood. Aside from that, I also moisturize my hands with Vaseline intensive care skin lotion.

My blood test results for lymph was 7 percent what does that mean?

A lymphocyte percentage of 7% in a blood test likely indicates a normal range. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that play a crucial role in the immune system. Consult with your healthcare provider for a comprehensive interpretation and any necessary follow-up.

What does absolute eosinophils means?

This means that no eosinophils were observed in the blood sample taken and observed. This is not necessarily pathologic as eosinophils are the second rarest white blood cell type in the blood stream.

Where does lymph reenter the venous circulation?

Lymph reenters the venous circulation through the subclavian veins near the base of the neck. This junction is where lymphatic vessels empty into the bloodstream, allowing lymph fluid to return to the circulatory system.

What is the key difference in the circulation systems of blood and the lymph?

Blood flow is most noticeably different in that it is driven by a central pump: the heart. The blood goes from the heart --> arteries --> arterioles (small arteries) --> capillaries --> venules (small veins) --> veins --> Heart --> Lungs --> Heart --> Arteries (and so on). Lymph flow on the other hand is driven by passive flow through lymph vessels. The capillaries (see above) are fenestrated, which means they have microscopic holes in them. These holes allow a fluid ultrafiltrate from the blood to pass out into the different tissues. This ultrafiltrate is mixed with waste-products from cells and and other pathogens - and this makes up the basic substances in lymph fluid. The lymph fluid is then gathered by open ended lymphvessels, which transport the lymph towards the center of the body.

What is lymph in hematology test?

In a basic CBC from the lab there is a test for Lymph, Mono, Eos, and Baso. These are all distinct categories of viral or bacterial infection fighters. Lymph is short for lymphocytes with are responsible for the activities of the immune system. If lymph is high that means there is bacterial, viral or another type of infection invading the body.

What does detoxification mean?

Basically, detoxification means cleaning the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph and skin.

In Utah what percentage of blood alcohol level means the driver is legally drunk?

.08 percent.

What does a 46.2 lymph count mean?

it means 46.2%

Does lymph have its own circulation?

Yes. There is some controversy as to how it moves, but most experts agree that skeletal muscle movement plays a major role in the movement of lymphatic fluid. The two main areas of lymph flow are from the right upper quadrant of the body into the right lymphatic duct which drains into the right subclavian vein. The rest of the body, including the legs flow into the thoracic duct which drains into the left subclavian vein.