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Of all couples trying to conceive, here's about how long it takes:

  • 30 percent get pregnant the first cycle (about one month)
  • 59 percent get pregnant within three cycles (about three months)
  • 80 percent get pregnant within six cycles (about six months)
  • 85 percent get pregnant within 12 cycles (about one year)
  • 91 percent get pregnant within 36 cycles (about three years)
  • 93 to 95 percent get pregnant within 48 cycles (about four years)
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Q: What percent of people get pregnant on the first time?
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First time intercourse can a lady become pregnant?

Yes. A woman can become pregnant after her first time. It is an old myth that a woman can not become pregnant after the first time. Unless birth control was used properly, there is always a chance that she is pregnant.

Can a girl be pregnant if its not her first time?

Anytime you have sex you can get pregnant.

When did selena gomez get pregnant for the first time?

she never was pregnant

Was Beyonce really pregnant the first time?

Yes Beyonce was really pregnant the first time although it did not seem so she was

Can you get preganet your first time?

Yes, it is possible to get pregnant the first time.

If its your first time and you start bleeding and he pulls out can you still get pregnant?

Yes, you can get pregnant the very first time. Use protection always.

When your 16 can you be pregnant?

Of course. Any time after your first period, you can be pregnant.

Why do people eat burnt matches when you did it first time you were 16 and pregnant and the second time you were 50 and on kidney dialysis?

Look up "pica".

If a guy bust inside you and you didn't get pregnant is this mean you can't get pregnant?

No, it means that you did not get pregnant that time. People do not get pregnant every time they have sex, but they can still get pregnant later.

How many average months does it take to get pregnant?

On average, it takes roughly a year to get pregnant, but for some people it happens the first time, and for others it happens later than that