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It is fairly common for one breast to be larger than the other. Breasts can be come sore around the time you are going to start menstruating. I would do a breast exam to make sure there is no lumps in the larger breast just to be safe.

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its because of the blod flow

its because of the blood flow

It has nothing to do with blood flow... No one is perfectly symmetrical. It would be a rare thing indeed for any girl to have identically shaped breasts. Of course, there are some that are very different, and there are Bras available that have padding in one cup to make both breasts look the same.

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You may be pregnant. This is definitely a sign of early pregnancy.

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Q: What would cause one of your breasts to be slightly larger than the other and at times they are both sore?
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Can hormones cause one breast to be slightly bigger than the other?

Yes, hormonal changes during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause can affect breast size, causing asymmetry where one breast may be slightly larger than the other. Additionally, genetics, weight fluctuations, and breastfeeding can also contribute to differences in breast size.

Are breasts lopsided?

All breasts are slightly different sizes and can be somewhat lopsided. What I mean by that is, one is bigger than the other, but no worrys, it's not that much bigger than the other, nobody will notice but you.

What is the weight of breast?

There is no 'normal' weight. Breast come in many different sizes. Often one breast may be slightly larger than the other breast. Also, as a woman ages, so the fat layer in the breasts will slowly reduce.

What is the normal weight of breast?

There is no 'normal' weight. Breast come in many different sizes. Often one breast may be slightly larger than the other breast. Also, as a woman ages, so the fat layer in the breasts will slowly reduce.

Is it normal to having left breast is slightly larger than right breast?

Yes, all women have once breast larger than the other and many have a considerable difference.Human beings are not perfectly symmetrical and breast development doesn't occur in both breasts at the same time. Teens may notice one breast will grow a lot more before the other or that they breasts will almost take turns to grow. There are various factors that can effect if breasts are different sizes, another common cause aside from development is lopsided breast feeding.

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The headlights place a larger load on the battery and cause the voltage to drop enough to dim other devices slightly.

My ribs are sore directly under my breasts. I've done nothing that could have broken or bruised them. If larger breasts can cause back pain can they cause rib pain?

I was wondering that question too. I have large breasts and have had lower back pain and rib pain. I have read on other websites that it can cause rib pain, due to posture and weak muscles from the weight of the breasts. A lot of the time they'll put you on NSAIDS which are anti-inflammatory drugs. I've heard the back pain and rib pain are mostly chronic so breast reduction surgery is really the only treatment.

What does it mean when one of your nipples are hard and the other is not?

It just means that your breats are growing and its okay if one of them is a bit larger than the other its normal. Once you finish puberty your breasts will be fully grown and both of your breasts will be the same size.

Why are your breasts not as large as the other women in your family?

If you are young, they might not be fully developed yet. They could still grow. If others in your family are heavier or overweight, their breasts would be larger, especially if you are thin or weight less than they do. (Breasts are mostly fat.) It could just be that the genetics weren't enough to gaurentee that you also grew a larger sized chest.

Would you please help me about this problem. Iam 29yrs old. Iam breast feeding. I feel that my right side breast is slightly bigger than the other is it normal?

Please note you feel one breast is larger, there may not be much diferrence actually. Breasts are not exact in size.

Are the balls of a man slightly larger than the other?

NO i wouldn't say larger but the left hangs lower than the right. Due to circulation and function.

Why do women have curves?

Several interrelated purposes:Women's hips on average are slightly larger than men's, to support childbearing.Women have functional breasts which when actively lactating are useful for feeding an infant with breast milk.Women tend to have more fat deposits on the legs and more fat to muscle than men.Additionally the breasts, hips, and other curvy areas, do double duty; physically attracting men to women for reproduction.