A persistent headache can be caused by lots of things from stress / poor sleep or dehydration and migraines as well as other underlying medical conditions which may potentially be serious.
If you have a persistent headache you really need to go and speak to a Doctor Who can perform a proper examination as it's not possible to be diagnosed online!
Stress is usually the culprit for headaches. However, there are some people that get migraines, cluster headaches and some medications can cause headaches. It's wise to see your doctor and have it checked out. Marcy As this was in Pregnancy FAQs it is doubly important that you get checked as it may be a sign of pre-eclampsia.
There are over 300 different headache disorders. Why a patient gets a certain type of headache is dependent upon what type of headache he/she has.
For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders, seek the help of a qualified and board certified Migraine and headache specialist.
Yes, headaches are very common pregnancy symptoms and are caused by the pregnancy hormones
There is this thing behind my ear and it is sticking out. I have been getting headaches all week long. is this bad?
Yes. Spotting or bleeding may occur within the week of taking plan B or even begin as far as a week later. If your headaches persist see a doctor.
Yes, fish can cause headaches (and/or other symptoms) if you have allergy or food intolerance. Many people have food allergies or intolerance without being aware of it. I get headaches after eating some fish but not others.
headaches for a week now with lower backaches
Four and usually a part of a week.
yes u canbe prehnant. you have some good signs
After trying to drink Acai daily for a week, I've noticed headaches for the last 3 days... possibly related? Nothing else has changed.
Reasons of headache 1. Poor Sleeping habit 2. Poor Eating habits 3. Stress These are the reasons why headaches happens so often. It leads to migraine.
Yes. It's a side effect labeled in the instructions. Trust me, I have first hand experience... I've been using it for a week, and every time the headaches get less and less worse.
I have a 14yr old on Concerta and headaches off and on. He takes Advil a few times a week without a problem. He even has a stash with the school nurse.
No. You should be talking to a doctor, not a website.