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This helps to ensure that the abnormality is not changing, or is "stable." This stability in the abnormality indicates that a cancer is probably not present.

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Q: Why is subsequent testing not done for six months after a BIRADS 3 mammogram result?
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What follow-up is recommended for a BIRADS 3 result from a mammogram?

A follow-up mammogram within a short interval of six months is suggested.

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after six months

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In Florida refusal to submit to testing first offense result in many months suspension

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Yes. I had a mammogram at 51 and three days later developed mastitis. Doctor confirmed it was from the compression. I had a high fever, severe headache and rash. Within 24 hours of taking antibiotics it cleared up a lot, but it took another couple of months of antibiotics to go completely away.

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Better testing HCG

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most dogs will get their first season around 6/7 months and every 6 months after that.In many pugs this can be much later and subsequent seasons can be anything from every 6 months to once a year.

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The domain name was activated on February 14, 2005, and the website was developed over the subsequent months.

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atleast 6 months to a year

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Almost no drug is detectable in urine 3 months after last use, this usually requires testing of hair.

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i believe it is how long an experiment is going to take. for example, the testing range of an experiment with plants may take around a few weeks to months.

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Part 1 is in the January issue of Cricket magazine. Subsequent parts are in the months that follow.

How long will your driver's license be revoked for your first DUI conviction?

Depends on the state. In Florida a breath test over .08 with result in a 6 month suspension, a testing refusal would be 1 year. A second test over .08 is 1 year suspension, and a second refusal is 18 months and another misdemeanor for a 2nd or subsequent refusal. .