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First, are you getting enough water? Secondly, are you getting enough fibre - fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and legumes.

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Q: Why is your stool so strong and difficult to pass out?
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Does a buzzard pass stool?

Birds have cloacas. A combined liquid and solid waste disposal system. So... their "stool" is mixed with their urine, and comes out as droppings, its called guano.

When a person standing on an insulating stool touches a charged insulating conductor. will the conductor discharges completely?

No, the person standing on an insulating stool will not allow the charged conductor to discharge completely. The insulating stool prevents the person from grounding the conductor, so the discharge will be limited to the amount of charge that can pass through the person.

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It's very difficult to pass. If you do pass it, you are pretty much guaranteed a job.

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The tubes from the kidneys to the bladder get infected and swell, so it is harder to pass urine.

What material makes it difficult for electricity to pass?

Insulators. They don't allow the flow of electrons, so a current cannot be produced in them. Non-metals (insulators) are anions and don't need a strong flow of electrons because they are more stable.

How does roughage help in preventing constipation?

Roughage, also known as dietary fiber, helps prevent constipation by adding bulk to the stool, making it easier to pass. It also helps keep the digestive system moving efficiently by promoting regular bowel movements. Roughage absorbs water in the intestines, softening the stool and preventing it from becoming hard and difficult to pass.

Why can you see corn in feces?

You see corn in feces because you eat corn and corn is difficult to digest. Any small objects that cannot be digested pass out of the body with the stool. So if you eat corn, there is a good chance you will find some of it in your stool.

What is the past tense of stool?

"Stool" is a noun and so doesn't have a past tense. Only verbs have a past tense.

Why is. ceramic. an insulator?

Ceramic materials have a crystalline structure that does not allow the movement of electrons easily, so they are poor conductors of electricity. Additionally, the strong bonds between atoms in ceramics make it difficult for heat to pass through, which also contributes to their insulating properties.

What is advantage of three legged stool?

A plane is defined by three points, so a three legged stool is stable because the points on the end of the stool's legs are coplanar

How do you use the word judgment in a sentence?

It's so easy to pass judgment on others, but so difficult to pass judgment on oneself.

When you have a stool sample for the doctor can the doctor detect meth in my system?

Mostly stool samples are tested for bacteria and blood. To test stool for drugs they'd have to liquify it so it would just be easier to ask for urine instead of stool.