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You calculate the number of hours a person or group of people work on their activities and then divide that number by the total possible work hours for 1 individual. The total possible work hours equals either 1. 40 hr/wk * 52 wks = 2080 hours or 2. 40 hr/wk * 4 wks * 12 months = 1920. Either equation is acceptable.

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10y ago

FTE or full time equivalency is based on a 40 hour work week in the United States. It is determined by adding all of the hours employees work in a week dividing by the number of employees and then dividing again by 40.

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Here's a great link that shows the breakdown of full time equivalents :

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If a boiler room must have and FTE present at all times 24 hours per day 7 days a week how many FTE's are needed assuming 832 hours total paid time off per year?

The answer is 4.6 and you can get the answer in two similar ways:First approach24 hours a day for 7 days a week= 168 hours per week168 hours per week for 52 weeks= 8736 hours per year8736 hours a year in addition to the 832 hours off= 9568 hours total per year9568 is the total hours needed by FTEsFTEs work 40 hours a work week for 52 weeks=2080 hours a year.9568 hours needed divided by the 2080 hours FTEs provide for a year= 4.6 FTEs needed(24 x 7)= 168 hr/week(168 x 52)= 8736 hr/yr(8736 + 832)= 9568 hr/yr needed(40 x 52)= 2080 hr/yr one FTE works9568 / 2080= 4.6 FTEsSecond approach24 hours a day for 365 days a year= 8760 hours per year8760 hours per year in addition to the 832 hours off= 9592 hours total per year9592 is the total hours needed by FTEsFTEs work 40 hours a week.40 hours a week divided by seven days a week= 5.714285714... hours per day (repeating decimals)FTEs work 5.714285714... hours per day for 365 days a year= 2085.714285714... hours per year (repeating decimals)9592 hours needed divided by the 2085.714285714... hours FTEs provide for a year= 4.59890410958904... FTEs (repeating decimals)Approximately 4.6 FTEs needed(24 x 365)= 8760(8760 + 832)= 9592 hr/yr(40 / 7)=5.714285714... hr/day(5.714285714 x 365)= 2085.714285714... hr/yr one FTE works(9592 / 2085.714285714)= 4.59890410958904... FTEsApproximately 4.6 FTEs

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